The Epic Rant Thread

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October 26th, 2016 at 7:04:03 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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How have we survived without a thread such as this? Maybe y'all are living in luxurious splendor or something. If so, then just let me have this. I'll start...

So I got bad teeth. Dunno if it's diet or genetics, but I've always had problems. Sure, they're attractive and straight, no real crazy problems, but I just have never been able to avoid cavities. It's never a question of "if", but always "how many".

I ain't maintained my teeth for about a decade now. Sometimes it's laziness, oftentimes it's fear, and then there's the swaths of non-insured time. Whichever way you slice it, my teeth have gone to hell. Most of the damage is not visible, and all of it, until recently, has been pain free, so whatever. No big deal. But awhile ago now, some started to hurt. And since that time, it seems the damage just began to cascade. Chipping, pieces breaking off, my mouth was going right to hell. With full time and bennies on the horizon, I made my mouth a priority. Right to the top of the list it went.

That was two f#$%ing months ago. In looking at the nearly infinite options of insurance options available to me through .gov, I decided that the work I would need would be dramatic, and being so very close to open enrollment and the option to change insurances, I picked the f#$%ing Cadillac of insurances. Some 3 times the cost of "really good" insurance, just to make sure I was covered to the moon and back. And hell, it's just a few months of those crazy prices. Pay it, get mad coverage, and then dial back in just two months. Look at me, acting like an adult and s#$%.

By the time full time came, insurance was selected, and bens finally kicked in, I knew there was some sort of infection. It had that same prickly, tingly itch that flesh wounds get, signifying I need to open it up and let the poison out. No way to do that inside my f$%^ing tooth, so I was scrambling to find a doc. First try, don't accept my insurance. Second try, don't accept my insurance. Well, there goes anything close to my house, let's keep trying. Next, no. Next, no. Next, no. So much for the f$%^ing Cadillac. I finally find one who probably wished they would've denied me, but I had "just beaten their cut off" before they stopped accepting my .gov funded mercy. That was good. But the next available appt was another month back. That was no f#$%ing good at all. Beggars can't be choosers, so on the calendar it went. Then the oh-so-fun kicker - my insurance was actually s#$%. Silver filings? They cover the lot. Oh, but this office doesn't use silver filings, they've upgraded to the epoxy amalgam. As such, there will be a $35 - $50 co-pay for each filing for anything rear of the canines, which is where every single bit of work needed to be done. I wasn't too put out by the money; I've invested absolutely $0 in the last 1X years, this is just making up. No problem. Even when I heard I needed 2 root canals, up to 5 removals, and a stout 25 f#$%ing filings (32 teeth, 32 problems; who says I'm not perfect?) the money bothered me absolutely not at all. But another month of this s#$%?

The last month has been a gods be damned f#$%ing nightmare. I never really "fixed" my eating once I came into funds, so not eating wasn't all that much of an exercise. And a meal of chicken with my surface-of-the-sun hot sauce all but cured me of any desire to eat again. Get that s#$% in an infected tooth an you reach a plane of existence that you couldn't even imagine, let alone exist in. Sody pop? Yeah, that hurts. Candy? Pain incarnate. Water? Might as well be Cesium. But having a molecule of anything that wasn't saliva enter that area forced me to develop a suction to attempt to remove it, which also revealed a way to get the poison out. Just manipulate the tongue, push the cheek out of the way, and ahhhh, squirts that pus right out. It tastes like what I imagine those fat, hairy spiders would taste like, if you sucked on one hard enough to pop it and squirt its insides all about your mouth. Like a muted, spicy bitterness. Tastes like hate and despair.

I been using the other side exclusively, which done broke my compromised bicuspid right to hell and back. It itself doesn't hurt TOO bad, but my tongue is shredded from it's jagged, broken surface. And as of three weeks or so ago, it, too, began to tingle, signifying the itch and infection was right behind it. Thankful the mandibular magician gave me some antibiotics, which has at least kept the infection tamped down. But the hate squirts still remain, and any time I get my blood pressure up (which, as the angriest man in the world, is all the time I'm awake and 75% of the time I'm sleeping) it starts its s#$%. Hockey? Holy f#$% me running. It's as if the vessels in my teeth and gums are not full of healing blood, but tiny millipedes covered in a mild acid. They almost "buzz" and do so nearly audibly. It's all I can do to not start screaming and beating myself in my own face with my own stick.

Today was they day, though. Had my appt, miraculously found a way out of slinging mail, had $2k in the bank, and the worst of the worst was getting fixed. The removals could wait. 15 or so of the cavities could wait. But I was gonna get the poison fully out, drain my account, and drain all $2,500 of insurance bennies TODAY. Beat the docs to the office, pounded down some black market opiates, I was f$%^ing READY.

"Face?" "Yeah, hey! Good morning =)" "Face, hey... umm, sorry but we tried to call. We don't take your insurance anymore so we canceled your appointment. You're here, we're here, we can still do it. But it WILL be all out of pocket. Maybe you can make a claim with your insurance yourself, pay and then be reimbursed..." and whatever the F#$% else she said was lost to the red. I didn't have the cash, I no longer own a credit card, I pissed away a Honus-Wagner-rookie-card-rare day off, I'm all f#$%ed up on opiates at the crack of f#$%ing dawn, my teeth are still filled with spiders and pestilence...

It's almost comical. I can look around and see how so many of the things that are sapping my will to live are my fault. A delay in something I knew needed to be done, a decision I knew was probably no good but did anyway, stuff like that. But the shit that is simply genuine "bad luck" is almost staggering in its rate of occurrence. Shit like having your desperate appt get canceled and not know about it because they transposed two digits on your phone number. Or like dropping a grand for new tires JUST so you didn't have an issue that would endanger you or your son, only to have two of the brand new motherf#$%ers go flat every three days for reasons beyond the universes' understanding.

It was just about one year ago when I posted elsewhere that I was gonna "see how far I can push it until I break". Was I supposed to communicate that I don't want to play that game anymore? If so, I DON'T WANNA F#$%ING PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE.

Ahhh. Ranting is fun. I'll be back for more of this s#$% for sure. But now, I must find a pain merchant / toothologist. Don't wish me luck, it'll just be the bad kind.
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
October 26th, 2016 at 8:49:05 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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omg, Face, you have me wondering, how in hell do the insurance companies get away with their @(*&^$&^ ??

dentists too, for that matter. I am currently pissed about some stunts by an oral surgeon.

insurance companies have been screwing people for so long, they don't know how to do it any other way. Sorry you thought you found some you could trust.
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
October 26th, 2016 at 9:29:34 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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The hilarious part is, (where "hilarious" is defined as "where's my f#$%ing rifle" =p), go to the sawbones, receives a mote of care, then purposely give them your wrong number. Oh, now YOU owe THEM? I guaran-goddman-tee they'd find you the next f#$%ing day. You dare short them, they'll ruin your life, as I'm finding with my ER disaster. But they put you out on your ass with poison and pain flowing through your veins, and your only option is to carry on down the road. Can't even be arsed to track you down to let you know that they're out and you need to find another.

My entire life I've had free insurance, so this is all crazy overwhelming. Used to be I just had a card, I'd present it, and all my ails were addressed for maximum $30. Maybe a hundo because I didn't want to faff around going to a different place or waiting for a generic whatever. But the whole process of finding a carrier, learning the basics like what a premium or deductible is, what the coverage entails, I've been completely ignorant of it all. Never had a need for the knowledge before. I had to binge research for this every bit as much as I had to to build an entire freaking car, and now the screwball of certain places only take and do certain stuff? And "coverage" really means "we'll pay something, but not near everything, nor near a lot, nor near really enough to even make your premium worthwhile"?

LOL! and did I tell you my accident insurance denied me because there was no proof that my ER visit due to METAL SHRAPNEL IN MY F#$%ING EYE couldn't be conclusively determined to have been "an accident"?

I'm done. Booze, cars, women, you can take it ALL back. Just let me be 12yrs old again. I simply cannot adult and I'm sorry I ever wished to in the first place.
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
October 26th, 2016 at 9:54:51 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 3, 2014
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Great rant Face, that's what we been missing.

I think trying to fix all that damage is a waste of money and life. Go through all that misery, frustration, time off, pain and healing and you know what? The repairs don't stay repaired. There is no warranty on dental work. It's guaranteed until you reach your car.

I had one molar I nurtured for a couple decades. I had sporadic insurance during that time, so some of the work done on that one tooth was cash only and some was insurance adjusted, but I will say I spent no less than 5 thousand dollars on that one tooth over the years. The last thing I did was spend 370 dollars to have it pulled. Big gaping whole now, but I stopped the bleeding of money down that hole at least.

Knowing what I know now, and this I have told my kids, if you have a tooth/teeth like that just fix it when you start. Implants are about 2k each out this way, dentures are whatever they are. Be done with it. I am fairly close to Yuma Az. where there is a staging ground for dental tourism into Mexico. Canadians come all winter long to walk over the border and get their dental work done. It costs between 1/4-1/3 what it costs on this side. Some of those dentists actually live in Yuma and cross in the morning to go to work, some go to school here in America. Some are shysters to will steal your last buck and let you walk away with bacteria underneath a crown. Got to do your research.

My natural Dr. is an associate of the dentist in Los Algodones [across from Yuma] who actually invented implants. I am told he teaches how to do that work in 7 languages, and has world class facility's. The kind of money your talking, it would almost be worth you coming out and getting your teeth done.
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
October 26th, 2016 at 10:43:58 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25131
Play the game. Get a dentist, tell him you'll
pay cash. Get the work done and give them
a credit card with $500 on it. Say oops, and
make payments on the rest. As long as
you make payments they won't send it
to a collection agency.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
October 26th, 2016 at 10:51:49 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 193
Posts: 19777
Hey Face, if you have any dental schools within range they often do some basic work for free.

(or you need to find a rich lady quick - ugly or old, don't matter.)
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
October 26th, 2016 at 10:56:54 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 54
Posts: 5343
Quote: Evenbob
Play the game. Get a dentist, tell him you'll
pay cash. Get the work done and give them
a credit card with $500 on it. Say oops, and
make payments on the rest. As long as
you make payments they won't send it
to a collection agency.

I make minimal payments on all of my medical bills just on principle. They never charge any interest and as long as they get any payment for the month they seem to be satisfied. I can only assume they are just happy that someone is actually paying and not defaulting.
At my age a Life In Prison sentence is not much of a detrrent.
October 26th, 2016 at 11:14:49 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25131
Quote: DRich
I make minimal payments on all of my medical bills just on principle. They never charge any interest and as long as they get any payment for the month they seem to be satisfied. I can only assume they are just happy that someone is actually paying and not defaulting.

You are 100% correct. If you knew the
number of people who default on medical
bills of all kinds you would in awe. If Face
just sends them $30 a month they'll be
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
October 26th, 2016 at 1:08:52 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 61
Posts: 3941
Quote: petroglyph
Great rant Face, that's what we been missing.

I think trying to fix all that damage is a waste of money and life. Go through all that misery, frustration, time off, pain and healing and you know what? The repairs don't stay repaired. There is no warranty on dental work. It's guaranteed until you reach your car.

I had one molar I nurtured for a couple decades. I had sporadic insurance during that time, so some of the work done on that one tooth was cash only and some was insurance adjusted, but I will say I spent no less than 5 thousand dollars on that one tooth over the years. The last thing I did was spend 370 dollars to have it pulled. Big gaping whole now, but I stopped the bleeding of money down that hole at least.

Knowing what I know now, and this I have told my kids, if you have a tooth/teeth like that just fix it when you start. Implants are about 2k each out this way, dentures are whatever they are. Be done with it. I am fairly close to Yuma Az. where there is a staging ground for dental tourism into Mexico. Canadians come all winter long to walk over the border and get their dental work done. It costs between 1/4-1/3 what it costs on this side. Some of those dentists actually live in Yuma and cross in the morning to go to work, some go to school here in America. Some are shysters to will steal your last buck and let you walk away with bacteria underneath a crown. Got to do your research.

My natural Dr. is an associate of the dentist in Los Algodones [across from Yuma] who actually invented implants. I am told he teaches how to do that work in 7 languages, and has world class facility's. The kind of money your talking, it would almost be worth you coming out and getting your teeth done.

I used to say the same thing. Pops lost many of his teeth very young in a bike accident, and just lost 5 more this year in a tree felling mishap. Dunno how many he's got left, but know he's got a full upper denture and has to be at least a quarter of his bottoms gone. I used to envy him so much. No brushing, no pain, just put em in and take em out when he wanted. He used to scold me big time for it. Besides the discomfort (gums change, dentures don't = costly to adjust), he says he can't use them properly. Tough stuff like steak, or simply stuff like taking off a hangnail. And as mine have deteriorated or chipped, I gotta admit, it drives me NUTS. When you got that fishing line in your teeth and can crimp it but juuuuust can't cut it, or a hangnail driving you to tears with madness but you juuuust can't grab it... I'll pay. Little things like that turn me into a monster ><

My wisdoms should go. They do nothing but get cavities, it just happens to be nightmare fuel for me so I haven't gotten them done. But I'm almost to that point. Back before they erupted, I used that flat gum area to chew jerky. Something about mildly shredding my gums and grinding salt into it felt reeeeally good; it's half the reason I ever ate jerky. Be nice to get that back, and rid myself of four problems to boot. But I dunno about all the rest.

There's something about the dentist. I can snap a bone in twain and feel it grate as they maneuver it back into place; that's just gross but I can sit just as calm and relaxed as you want. I literally feel no pain whatsoever. And the pain of the dentist is bad but not terrible; if you've survived cluster headaches then even digging shredded metal from your eyeball is just a mild annoyance. I think it's the vulnerability. If I take a puck to the face in hockey, I can yell and scream and punch whatever or whomever I want. Wreck my wheeler and I can writhe on the ground for the rest of the day, if I so choose. At the dentist, you can't even tense up. There's nothing to "fight", nothing to "resist". You just have to sit there and let it happen, and I just f#$%ing CAN'T.

They have all the "gentle dentistries". They'll give ya drugs, even knock you right out for a simple filling. I need one where the hygienist has you in a headlock, and the doc sits on your legs, like 6 people holding you down and you get to fight them. Make that happen and the toothologist would be cake to visit =)

I'll save building an entire new mouth for later. I have found a participating driller and their operation is much larger, so mayhap more of my coverage will come into effect. I can't really place blame on them yet, as I was drinking minimum 6 cans of Dew per day, plus ever present Lifesavers and pretty piss poor personal maintenance. I'll give it the ol college try and do things like an adult. If that fails, then I'll start looking in becoming the 6 million dollar man.
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
October 26th, 2016 at 1:26:46 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 61
Posts: 3941
I appreciate the money advice, but I'm not there yet. It wasn't really a money rant; I can afford it and looking back over the last decade plus, I feel I'm coming out ahead, at least financially.

And really, I don't like "playing games". If I have a debt, the last thing I want is to stretch it out, even if it's interest free. I got a bitty piece of that ER bill left, low enough to make me somewhat satisfied (see also: not homicidal) and plenty low enough to afford it at any given moment. I just haven't gone out that way where the billing office is. As such, it is still unpaid, and it just weighs on me. Anytime I see the bill or am reminded of medical costs or even think of money, that bill pops up and brings me down. It's a debt that I owe. I has to go away. Feels dirty to have it, in a way. And since I always seem to be about $60 away from complete and utter ruin, it almost feels like a threat lol

I DID end up getting a replacement appt, AND got it for 1400 today. Couldn't believe it. I know it's just gonna be another recon with no action taken, but at least I'm getting the process restarted. That is, until I went to go get ready and saw an empty driveway. Forgot I shopped my truck and walked home. F#$%ing pills XD

Appt tomorrow. I love this thread already =D
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
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