Game of Thrones
February 18th, 2017 at 6:39:55 PM permalink | |
Evenbob Member since: Oct 24, 2012 Threads: 146 Posts: 25685 | It's on Xfinity now, all 6 seasons. I had never seen it but heard lots of people watch it. Never been more disappointed or revolted in a TV series. Made it thru 5 episodes before I almost put my foot thru the TV. What a steaming load of horse manure, it's nothing but sex and violence porn, with a hard to follow stupid story as it's excuse to go on. Here's a review from somebody who was appalled too: 'By the time I had reached episode 10 in season 1, I could go no further. After seeing horses getting their heads chopped off or brought into a tent to be sacrifice killed, after watching more gang rapes than there are cars in L.A., after seeing a girl eat the raw heart of a horse, people decapitated, incest, more than any brothel could accommodate, children being hurled off buildings, skinning animals, breaking live bird necks, poisonings, eyes scratched out, peoples tongues pulled out of their heads, intestines wrenched from a foe, great amounts of blood spit up, spewed out and running down streets like a river from the guts of whoever and whatever happen to be in the scene, I had quite enough. Then I had to ask myself..what makes this series so popular? What kind of people like crap like this." I felt a palpable wave of relief when I realized I don't have to watch another minute of this double digit IQ voyeuristic garbage. I can imagine the writers sitting around dreaming up what shocking thing they could do next. Perverts. If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose. |
February 18th, 2017 at 7:44:23 PM permalink | |
Dalex64 Member since: Mar 8, 2014 Threads: 3 Posts: 3687 | Years ago, I only made it through the first DVD. I didn't get the 2nd. "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." Daniel Patrick Moynihan |
February 18th, 2017 at 8:01:54 PM permalink | |
terapined Member since: Aug 6, 2014 Threads: 76 Posts: 12501 | Up to season 3 episode 7 What an entertaining series I highly recommend. Really good story telling which is what its all about Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World" |
February 18th, 2017 at 8:47:53 PM permalink | |
Evenbob Member since: Oct 24, 2012 Threads: 146 Posts: 25685 |
What story, I saw no story. In the 5 eps I watched there was no story, just half told storylines as an excuse to show sex and blood and gore. It's called softcore porn. It's gratuitous sex and violence, they just keep you hanging on so they can shock you. They do the same thing in the new adult comic books, it's for voyeurs, people who like S&M and that kind of garbage. If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose. |
February 18th, 2017 at 10:00:13 PM permalink | |
Fleastiff Member since: Oct 27, 2012 Threads: 62 Posts: 7831 | I hear its The Sopranos in Middle Earth. Not quite sure if that is good or bad, but financially it seems to be doing well. |
February 19th, 2017 at 5:33:07 AM permalink | |
terapined Member since: Aug 6, 2014 Threads: 76 Posts: 12501 | George R R Martin is a wonderful story teller and has written the book "The Song of Ice and Fire" Game of Thrones is based on Daenerys Targaryen is my favorite character. All her scenes rock Her family once ruled. Now she is married off to a tribe of Warriors to get the throne back. Her husband dies and she is pretty much abandoned but has some old dragon eggs. Through some mystical power, the eggs hatch and she has 3 baby dragons. As the dragons grow up, she uses her cunning and the dragons to form an army to take back the Throne Ned Stark - The honorable leader of Winterfell Becomes the hand of the King. Does not play the game well. Eventually accused of being a traitor and has his head cut off Jon Snow - exiled to the Night watch A group of soldiers based at the northern wall to protect the south from strange mystical half dead beings from the north. They go into the north scouting encountering a large family with one male head and many many female daughters. All male babies sacrificed. weird and strange. Tyrion Lannister - the midget that constantly out thinks all those around him to survive Arya Stark - On the run. Smart but just a young girl Jaime Lannister - the kingslayer. He had no real choice. The King was mad and crazy making irrational decisions threatening the people. Jaime had no choice and now forever known as the kingslayer. This actually takes place before the start of the series but it set in motion the game of thrones. King Joffrey - the new young stupid and very cruel King There are many more interesting characters and storylines Just a lot of fun to watch Thanks George R R Martin, a master of story telling Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World" |
February 19th, 2017 at 8:39:16 AM permalink | |
ams288 Member since: Apr 21, 2016 Threads: 29 Posts: 13466 |
No story? Complain about the sex and violence all you want, but to say there is no story is kind of ludicrous. If anything, there's way too damn much story! Although, you have only watched 5 episodes. And the first season was definitely the weakest. The show has gotten better and better as time went on. But based on your negative reaction to those five episodes, you definitely should stop.You haven't even gotten to when they murder all the babies in season 2! “A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman |
February 19th, 2017 at 9:34:31 AM permalink | |
petroglyph Member since: Aug 3, 2014 Threads: 25 Posts: 6227 | When I read the books I remember thinking how hard it would be to make a movie out of them. They were a rugged read. The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW |
February 19th, 2017 at 10:57:26 AM permalink | |
Evenbob Member since: Oct 24, 2012 Threads: 146 Posts: 25685 |
There are hundreds of reviews like this: 'G of T is the most overrated show I've ever seen. I've suffered through five seasons of this filthy garbage so far and I simply cannot understand why anyone would ever watch this show. You can sum up the whole show: sex and violence. This show basically has people getting physically and emotionally tortured and killed for five seasons. That's it. Nothing else is happening. They're trying to make it look like a political thriller full of intrigue, betrayal and plot twists. But it's not. All the scheming and colluding the characters do leads to nothing, because they all eventually get tortured and brutally killed. People praise it for its "political concepts" and "well-developed characters" and yet the show follows every fantasy trope and its only edge is death and violent sex for shock value. Psychotic garbage.' If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose. |
February 19th, 2017 at 12:26:21 PM permalink | |
terapined Member since: Aug 6, 2014 Threads: 76 Posts: 12501 |
Up to season 3 episode 8 Just gets better and better Once I finish binge watching, will pick up the books I can see this keeping me entertained for the next couple of years :-) Love getting hooked on expensive long multi season productions with quality writhing. The clincher is to have the original writer involved keeping true to the books George R R Martin overseeing everything as co-executive producer of the series, you cant go wrong Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World" |