Is Portland over?

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July 9th, 2021 at 2:01:06 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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This is no longer the city I loved.

Is Portland over?
July 9th, 2021 at 3:07:34 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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I plan on visiting in a few months
Really looking forward to it
I'll be checking out
Japanese gardens
Washington Park
Pittock mansion
Chinese gardens
Art museum
Science and industry museum
Looking forward to a good time in Portland

Loving life
What a wonderful country
Just saw my 1st rodeo in Cody WY
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
July 9th, 2021 at 3:12:14 PM permalink
Member since: Feb 19, 2014
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Quote: missedhervee
This is no longer the city I loved.

Is Portland over?

Of course it is over. You think the Democrat elected officials will do what is necessary to make it into a thriving livable city? Not a chance!
July 9th, 2021 at 3:31:52 PM permalink
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Shootings up 100%. Homicides up 800%. Portland kicks Chicago's butt. Next time we start a war, which is probably next Tuesday, we should just send Democrat politicians instead of soldiers. It only takes them a year to destroy any city. At least the voters are getting what they voted for. Just like Chicago, and every other high crime, drug infested city, they'll vote the same people into office again and again.
July 9th, 2021 at 3:38:31 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Of course it is over.

A few city blocks and you declare an entire city over
What a bunch of BS
How much is a typical portland home going for. Real estate is up everywhere. How is that possible in a city you declared is over. Absurd
I'm sure it will be there in a few months
Its not over for any city
You suggest I dont visit their world class magnificent gardens. Lol
I'm sure I'll have tons of fun in Portland
The only thing out of Portland that is scaring me is the record heat wave due to climate change
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
July 9th, 2021 at 3:51:15 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 27, 2018
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Ed, you honestly believe you're an authority on Portland?
You're smarter than the local business owners interviewed in the video?
Smarter than the local New Coverage?
All you do is Yawn a lot and post stupid uninformed $hit.
Keep embarrassing yourself, what a f'in joke.
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July 9th, 2021 at 4:22:13 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: JCW09
Ed, you honestly believe you're an authority on Portland?

Not until I visit :-)
Are you too scared to go to PDX
I'm not lol
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
July 9th, 2021 at 4:29:20 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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It's not dangerous here, just disgusting and very disappointing, at least compared to what it once was.

The BLM / antifa stuff has died down but the damage has been done and much scarring remains.

The current eyesore is the unprecedented number of homeless people camping, pissing, crapping and shooting up openly across this once fair city.

Yeah, that problem is not unique to Portland but it is getting worse by the day and when the eviction moratorium ends it will get a helluva lot worse.

Glad I don't live downtown.

Terapined, when you visit I suggest not gambling at Ilani; check out Spirit Mtn. and Chinook Winds if you need to scratch that itch.

My favorite is Chinook Winds due to its oceanfront location on the Oregon coast, in Lincoln City.

Drive down Hwy 101 and check out the coast, at least it is still great.
July 9th, 2021 at 4:41:33 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
Threads: 76
Posts: 12501
Quote: missedhervee
It's not dangerous here, just disgusting and very disappointing, at least compared to what it once was.

The BLM / antifa stuff has died down but the damage has been done and much scarring remains.

The current eyesore is the unprecedented number of homeless people camping, pissing, crapping and shooting up openly across this once fair city.

Yeah, that problem is not unique to Portland but it is getting worse by the day and when the eviction moratorium ends it will get a helluva lot worse.

Glad I don't live downtown.

Terapined, when you visit I suggest not gambling at Ilani; check out Spirit Mtn. and Chinook Winds if you need to scratch that itch.

My favorite is Chinook Winds due to its oceanfront location on the Oregon coast, in Lincoln City.

Drive down Hwy 101 and check out the coast, at least it is still great.

Visiting PDX as a tourist, I would not be surprised if I dont notice a BLM or ANTIFA presence wherever I visit.
I see homeless on my travels. Spoke to a guy camped on Venice Beach.
I'm not moving there, just visiting anything touristy during my week there.
I'm sure I'll have a great time and come away with a positive impression of the city

Any good new player promotions
Thats about all that interests me concerning gambling
If I cant snag a good deal, I literally have no interest
I've walked in and out of quite a few casinos because of a lack of new player promotions
At this point in my life, restaurants and shows are the only attractions in a casino.
I may consider going back to poker but due to the Delta variant, kind of scared.
I plan on seeing the coast. Want to see those amazing haystacks again :-)
I've been to Oregon before. Seen the Dead plenty of times in Eugene. Met Ken Kesey.
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
July 9th, 2021 at 4:53:20 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 19787
Quote: missedhervee
This is no longer the city I loved.

I have heard that you dare not stop at a traffic light in town or they will come smash your car windows. No store not boarded because they will smash the store windows. So an interesting story.

Yes, it is over. For a generation. Portland and some other cities like it seem to be following the pathway of NYC from the 60s to the late 80s before Rudy came along, and it seems to be the same problem. People simply keep accepting the unacceptable until it is unlivable.

The big difference between this and the aforesaid NYC seems to be homelessness. NYC back then did not have near what we see in this video. It probably started small, a homeless person here or there and a homeowner or business owner tries to shoo them away as it is bad for business. But some liberals cry, "LEAVE THEM ALONE, THEY ARE HOMELESS!" As the mayor said, enabling. This did not happen overnight.

You cannot blame this on Floyd as Floyd's death is only the catalyst. There was clearly a movement of many years, perhaps decades. Like the many black riots over the years, yet Portland has far less blacks than average. It is not based on race this time. It is a whole part of the population.

Yet, "why?" Portland is as far left as any city out there. These groups should be happy there, not tearing it to the ground. Is the culture in some of these cities that rotted? What cities is this coming to next? I fear we are entering an era of this based on who we see being put up for mayor all across the land.
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