Mexico Trivia

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May 2nd, 2022 at 4:47:13 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
Threads: 239
Posts: 6099
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, here is some Mexico trivia for you. I recognize some of these questions are more about the Spanish language than Mexico. I welcome you to challenge me and the forum with your own questions as well.

  1. What is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain?
  2. What is the official language of Mexico?
  3. What is the name of the organization that oversees the Spanish Language?
  4. What do these words have in common: el alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almond), and la almohada (pillow).
  5. What is the largest pyramid in the world?
  6. What is the full name of Mexico?
  7. What is the oldest university in North America?
  8. What state in Mexico is named after a dog?
  9. What is depicted on the coat of arms in the middle of the flag of Mexico?
  10. The words Tomato, chocolate, and avocado are originally from which language?
  11. What is the only country to have Spanish as an official language in Africa?
  12. Where did the Virgin Mary make an appearance in Mexico?
Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 2nd, 2022 at 4:53:08 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 18452
Shouldn't it be what dog is named after a state?
The President is a fink.
May 2nd, 2022 at 5:37:28 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
Threads: 239
Posts: 6099
Quote: AZDuffman
Shouldn't it be what dog is named after a state?

No, I think the state is named after the dog, but I'm sure Paco will get to the bottom of it.
Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 2nd, 2022 at 7:30:46 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: AZDuffman
Shouldn't it be what dog is named after a state?

The dog is named after the state.

Quote: Hernan Cortez, letter to Charles V, 1520
This city (future Mexico City) has many public squares, in which are situated the markets and other places for buying and selling.

There is one square twice as large as that of the city of Salamanca, surrounded by porticoes, where are daily assembled more than sixty thousand souls, engaged in buying and selling; and where are found all kinds of merchandise that the world affords, embracing the necessaries of life, as for instance articles of food, as well as jewels of gold and silver, lead, brass, copper, tin, precious stones, bones, shells, snails, and feathers.

There are also exposed for sale wrought and unwrought stone, bricks burnt and unburnt, timber hewn and unhewn, of different sorts.

There is a street for game, where every variety of birds in the country are sold, as fowls, partridges, quails, wild ducks, fly-catchers, widgeons, turtledoves, pigeons, reed-birds, parrots, sparrows, eagles, hawks, owls, and kestrels; they sell likewise the skins of some birds of prey, with their feathers, head, beak, and claws.

There are also sold rabbits, hares, deer, and little dogs, which are raised for eating.

There is also an herb street, where may be obtained all sorts of roots and medicinal herbs that the country affords.

There are apothecaries' shops, where prepared medicines, liquids, ointments, and plasters are sold; barbers' shops, where they wash and shave the head; and restaurateurs, that furnish food and drink at a certain price.

There is also a class of men like those called in Castile porters, for carrying burdens.

Wood and coal are seen in abundance, and braziers of earthenware for burning coals; mats of various kinds for beds, others of a lighter sort for seats, and for halls and bedrooms.
May 3rd, 2022 at 8:19:18 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
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Posts: 6099
Quote: Pacomartin
The dog is named after the state.

Thank you.
Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 4th, 2022 at 5:52:06 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Posts: 5339

  1. What is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain? ....................... 5th of May
  2. What is the official language of Mexico?................... spanish
  3. What is the name of the organization that oversees the Spanish Language? ................?
  4. What do these words have in common: el alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almond), and la almohada (pillow).......................... derived from the Muslims [clue = AL prefix]
  5. What is the largest pyramid in the world? ........................... Mayan or Aztec but dunno
  6. What is the full name of Mexico?..................... ?
  7. What is the oldest university in North America? ......................... ?
  8. What state in Mexico [gives name to] a dog? .................... Chihuahua, thank you spellcheck
  9. What is depicted on the coat of arms in the middle of the flag of Mexico? ................... ?
  10. The words Tomato, chocolate, and avocado are originally from which language? .................... Aztec?
  11. What is the only country to have Spanish as an official language in Africa?................. how is this Mexico related? Morocco?
  12. Where did the Virgin Mary make an appearance in Mexico?................. I could get this on multiple choice
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
May 4th, 2022 at 6:08:55 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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I'll take a stab at 11 as I have been doing some reading on Spain's Colonial and Military History.

Spain's African Colonies used to be Spanish Guinea, which after independence presumably became what we today call "New Guinea" I believe.

-Edit to Clarify- Which would be my guess for which African Country has Spanish as their legal language : "New Guinea".

May 4th, 2022 at 7:23:06 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
Threads: 239
Posts: 6099
Quote: odiousgambit

  1. What is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain? ....................... 5th of May
  2. What is the official language of Mexico?................... spanish
  3. What is the name of the organization that oversees the Spanish Language? ................?
  4. What do these words have in common: el alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almond), and la almohada (pillow).......................... derived from the Muslims [clue = AL prefix]
  5. What is the largest pyramid in the world? ........................... Mayan or Aztec but dunno
  6. What is the full name of Mexico?..................... ?
  7. What is the oldest university in North America? ......................... ?
  8. What state in Mexico [gives name to] a dog? .................... Chihuahua, thank you spellcheck
  9. What is depicted on the coat of arms in the middle of the flag of Mexico? ................... ?
  10. The words Tomato, chocolate, and avocado are originally from which language? .................... Aztec?
  11. What is the only country to have Spanish as an official language in Africa?................. how is this Mexico related? Morocco?
  12. Where did the Virgin Mary make an appearance in Mexico?................. I could get this on multiple choice

  1. What is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain? ....................... no
  2. What is the official language of Mexico?................... no
  3. What is the name of the organization that oversees the Spanish Language? x
  4. What do these words have in common: el alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almond), and la almohada (pillow).......................... derived from the Muslims .... Yes -- I would have preferred to see Arabic in your answer, but will give you credit anyway.
  5. What is the largest pyramid in the world? ...........................I need the name
  6. What is the full name of Mexico?..................... ?x
  7. What is the oldest university in North America? ......................... ?x
  8. What state in Mexico [gives name to] a dog? .................... Chihuahua, YES
  9. What is depicted on the coat of arms in the middle of the flag of Mexico? x
  10. The words Tomato, chocolate, and avocado are originally from which language? .................... Aztec? Before them
  11. What is the only country to have Spanish as an official language in Africa?................. how is this Mexico related? Morocco? It's not and no. I just like the question. I've yet to get a right answer on it and have asked it dozens of times.
  12. Where did the Virgin Mary make an appearance in Mexico?................. I could get this on multiple choice ... When I have ever given multiple-choice questions?
Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 4th, 2022 at 7:25:03 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
Threads: 239
Posts: 6099
Quote: Gandler
I'll take a stab at 11 as I have been doing some reading on Spain's Colonial and Military History.

Spain's African Colonies used to be Spanish Guinea, which after independence presumably became what we today call "New Guinea" I believe.

-Edit to Clarify- Which would be my guess for which African Country has Spanish as their legal language : "New Guinea".

I'm afraid not on either one. New Guinea is an island above Australia, as you may know from your Risk board. Good try on the language, but I'm afraid not. Partial credit for the effort.

Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 4th, 2022 at 8:41:22 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25085
Quote: Wizard
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, here is some Mexico trivia for you. I recognize some of these questions are more about the Spanish language than Mexico. I welcome you to challenge me and the forum with your own questions as well.

  1. What is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain?
  2. What is the official language of Mexico?
  3. What is the name of the organization that oversees the Spanish Language?
  4. What do these words have in common: el alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almond), and la almohada (pillow).
  5. What is the largest pyramid in the world?
  6. What is the full name of Mexico?
  7. What is the oldest university in North America?
  8. What state in Mexico is named after a dog?
  9. What is depicted on the coat of arms in the middle of the flag of Mexico?
  10. The words Tomato, chocolate, and avocado are originally from which language?
  11. What is the only country to have Spanish as an official language in Africa?
  12. Where did the Virgin Mary make an appearance in Mexico?

Me and Drich are very proud of the fact that we don't know the answer to a single one of these. Maybe Spanish is the official language of Mexico, that would be the only one that I would know. Full name of Mexico, could it be Armpit of North America? Just a guess. Last time I was in Mexico was 1979 in Tijuana and it was a giant armpit.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
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