River Jordan's Corner! :D

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August 11th, 2022 at 6:14:05 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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Posts: 659
There seems to be resentment of my new Threads, so I decided to make this River Jordan's Corner where I will post a lot of my thoughts and feelings! :D
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
August 17th, 2022 at 4:20:42 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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Dumb Criminals.

On YouTube, there is a Viral video of a Waitress who stole a Customer's Credit Card information and paid her Utilities bill with it .... How incredibly STUPID. Of course the Customer went off on her and reported it. This Waitress is one of the dumbest People I have ever seen.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
August 18th, 2022 at 9:52:59 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
Threads: 12
Posts: 1545
Quote: Riverjordan
There seems to be resentment of my new Threads, so I decided to make this River Jordan's Corner where I will post a lot of my thoughts and feelings! :D
You frequently start threads which are of dubious interest to most of us, and yes, that does seem to be resented. But now you have started this 'vanity thread' for your random musings. I've discussed with Wizard, and we've pretty much decided you can't have it both ways. So, if you want to post your random musings, do so in this thread. No need to start any others. That makes it easier to ignore your spurious posts.
You can continue your Axel Rose story here. Don't worry about the discontinuity: Your followers in that thread will easily follow you here if they so wish.
Don't try directing posters to here from other threads. They find it or they don't.
August 18th, 2022 at 6:45:42 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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Can I at least continue my Fictional Axl Rose story in the actual thread? 😀
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
August 25th, 2022 at 7:56:11 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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Posts: 659
On another Website, I was a Newbie. Longer term Posters asked me for proof of what I was saying about something. I linked to another Website, showing the proof. The Posters who asked me for the proof didn't thank me for linking to the proof. I thought that was odd. A little while later, the Admin said something like,"Karen, linking to outside Websites is strictly prohibited. I have received multiple complaints about you already and questions asking me if you are a Troll and even I question your motives. The "Show proof of what you are saying," was a setup by the other Posters to get you into trouble. You have received a Strike for linking to an outside Website. Usually, I wouldn't give a strike to a Newbie who was tricked into breaking a Forum Rule, and would just give a warning about Forum Rules and warned Posters who tricked Newbies into breaking a Forum Rule that that is unacceptable and could lead to distrust, but because I also question your motives, I must give you the Strike. 3 strikes is a permanent banning. I will be removing the link and closing this thread."

On another Website, one that I fit in really well, Posters started saying stuff like,"Your threads are weird." Even a Website I actually got in at very well was telling me my threads were weird. On another Website, I lamented about this without saying the Website, and my enemy on that board who's very signature is cussing me out said something like,"Karen, tell us the name of that Website and I'll go kick their asses for you." I immediately saw red flags. WHY would my Enemy who cusses me out in his signature be trying to help me? I refused to give out the name. He soon admitted he was trying to set me up and wanted me to look even more bad at that Website by telling the name and wasn't trying to help me out at all. I told him I figured out immediately that he was trying to set me up and wasn't trying to help me out, pointing out he was my enemy and cussed me out in his signature. He said something like,"I'm surprised you immediately figured out I was attempting to set you up, not help you. Your smarter than you let on."

After falling for the "Show us proof," on that other Website, I learned my lesson when requests are actually set ups...
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
August 31st, 2022 at 5:27:31 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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I had a family oriented dream a few minutes ago. The gist was the stuff of Family drama Comedy. I said something innocent like,"I hope the unborn Baby is healthy," and it was translated to the elderly Matriarch as something as,"The Grandmother of this Family is a whore." Grandma Matriarch punched me in the face, LMAO! 🤣 We then had a heart to heart talk when it was revealed I didn't call her a whore at all, and the Family was actually a new blended Family, not one that had been together for Generations. But the feeling was they needed to be strong for each other and stick together. The Baby was to be named Anthony. This dream has the makings of a movie like My Big Fat Greek Woman or something.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
September 1st, 2022 at 5:07:52 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
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Posts: 659
Called a phone number that showed up in an old Sitcom, Unhappily Ever After, from 1995-1999 for fun. I actually remembered the wrong number by two digits/letters. I got a phone number for a Medical promotion. A woman named Jessica asked me if I wanted to get the medical promotion. I quickly answered something like,"Just called this number for fun after seeing it on a Sitcom from the 90's. I'm good, and soon hung up.

I checked the Episode again, and.... I realized I dialed the wrong phone number by two digits.. I called the right number this time, and... It was the same spiel about Medical promotion and wouldn't you know, Jessica answered again. Two different phone numbers, same person, same spiel. I quickly hung up again. Wow.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
September 2nd, 2022 at 12:54:29 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
Threads: 12
Posts: 1545
Quote: Riverjordan
Called a phone number that showed up in an old Sitcom, Unhappily Ever After, from 1995-1999 for fun. I actually remembered the wrong number by two digits/letters. I got a phone number for a Medical promotion. A woman named Jessica asked me if I wanted to get the medical promotion. I quickly answered something like,"Just called this number for fun after seeing it on a Sitcom from the 90's. I'm good, and soon hung up.

I checked the Episode again, and.... I realized I dialed the wrong phone number by two digits.. I called the right number this time, and... It was the same spiel about Medical promotion and wouldn't you know, Jessica answered again. Two different phone numbers, same person, same spiel. I quickly hung up again. Wow.

Wow indeed. What a 'jolly jape'. You could have asked to speak to Mike Hunt

So, which episode?

I'm asking because TV programs have used an unassigned 555 XXXX number range since 1960

And just for fun, I'd like to call Jessica, too.
September 2nd, 2022 at 4:34:13 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 659
Quote: OnceDear
Wow indeed. What a 'jolly jape'. You could have asked to speak to Mike Hunt

So, which episode?

I'm asking because TV programs have used an unassigned 555 XXXX number range since 1960

And just for fun, I'd like to call Jessica, too.

https://youtu.be/zP3jksgr_V0. Here it is. It first shows up at around 1:55 into the episode. Warning and spoilers. There are multiple dark and disturbing jokes in this episode.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
September 3rd, 2022 at 7:39:03 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 659
I watched a Cash 4 Gold commercial on YouTube and a guy commented that his 14 year old Son(So who is a Minor) sold the wedding rings, without his parents ' permission expecting them to become rich. Dad received a check for about $30. Dad was furious and complained to Cash 4 Gold that he wanted the wedding rings back especially since his 14 year old Minor sold the wedding rings without his or his wife's permission. He said Cash 4 Gold refused to give back the wedding rings. I'll bet Son was in for one heck of a punishment for that screw up! :/
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
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