Sex Change Impossibility Theory

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April 1st, 2023 at 5:01:18 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: Mission146
That's almost certainly fine. One should see the psychologist who is going to pursue the course of medical action that one thinks is best.

Not important because I know what you mean.

A psychiatrist implies 6 years of education in a woke institution to get papered and a psychologist implies 4 years.

Consider Social Media (such as the Twitter files) being infiltrated by covert government employees as part of a global censorship (biased) of important issues.

So a "medical action that one thinks is best", is being manipulated.

Then we have Big Pharma buying the advertisement space in these woke firms.

Huge sums of money are involved.

There's no way these innocent folks have a chance.
April 1st, 2023 at 5:34:31 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: Mission146
Quote: DoubleGold
Quote: Mission146
I'm not as certain as you that there is a should as if it is some sort of option. I think one either does, or does not.

So you have the same philosophy as abortion, execution, euthanasia, etc.?

It's interesting, some might think I'm prejudice against people getting ready to choose to change sexes.

It's the opposite.

To preserve their life, even if they're different.

Similarly, with the people that encourage the surgical sex change philosophy, are they encouraging death?

I'm quite in favor of abortion, if you want to know the truth. On balance, abortions are significantly cheaper than people being born. An abortion costs, like, one MONTH of public education. There is also less demand for necessary items, such as consumable foodstuffs, the fewer people that there are, so the price should decrease...or not increase as rapidly.

I'm not opposed to the death penalty and would actually expand it to include aggravated/forcible rape and child molestation, but only if there is STRICT physical evidence. In other words, the requirement for the death penalty, for anything, would be proof beyond ANY doubt, not just a reasonable one.

Of course, I would extend to all prisoners the right to commit doctor assisted suicide, by choice, anytime they wish. Much cheaper than incarceration.

I would generally be opposed to euthanasia. I can't think of an instance in which I would favor it, but I suppose I can't rule out the possibility of a really determined person coming up with something.

Thank-you for sharing.

You bring up an interesting concept.

The economics of the life of one person.

Such as, a person being productive in society.

I'm opposed to all forms of death for humans.

My belief, is that a human spirit (represents life in a body) temporarily assigned to us at conception is not ours.

It can be an illusion that we own it.

If we owned our human spirit (our assigned life), we could choose to live indefinitely.
April 1st, 2023 at 5:50:22 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: rquiredusername
Hey double gold do you ever give anything a rest bro.

What's your favorite topic?
April 1st, 2023 at 6:22:22 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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One can download the OSM-STM-5 manual in pdf for free.

The previous edition (#4), labeled Gender Dysphoria as Gender Identity Disorder.

But both labels are in the "...Mental Disorders" handbook, not in a physical disorder handbook (genetic).

Implying trillions of cells of scientific evidence of sex chromosomes that cannot be changed.




Gender Dysphoria
Page 451:
Gender dysphoria refers to the distress that may accompany the incongruence between
one's experienced or expressed gender and one's assigned gender. Although not
all individuals will experience distress as a result of such incongruence, many are distressed
if the desired physical interventions by means of hormones and/or surgery are not available.
The current term is more descriptive than the previous DSM-IV term gender identity disorder
and focuses on dysphoria as the clinical problem, not identity per se.
April 1st, 2023 at 6:38:48 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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According to some in the MSM, the bigger crime in Nashville was misgendering Hale, the shooter

Quote: link
Gender identity advocates accused mainstream news outlets who scrambled to cover the story of 'misgendering' and 'deadnaming' Hale by not referring to her as a man or as a transman.

“5 times @cnn misgendered. No correction. A mass shooting is horrible. Misgendering does not make anything better,” said a much-retweeted post on Twitter.

The New York Times later issued the following correction: “There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting.

"Officials had used ‘she’ and ‘her’ to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months.”

After initially referring to Hale as “female” and “her,” MSNBC issued the following statement: “Update: A previous post about the Nashville Christian school shooting included initial information from police officials about the suspect’s gender. ... Those officials have since noted that the shooter was transgender

[in response] Piers Morgan tweeted: "I have many concerns about the child-slaying transgender school shooter in Nashville... But none of them involves giving a flying f*** about using the 'preferred personal pronoun' when talking about the despicable murderous b*****d."

I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
April 1st, 2023 at 6:50:46 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: odiousgambit
According to some in the MSM, the bigger crime in Nashville was misgendering Hale, the shooter

Those "some" are a bunch of out of touch clowns.
Nobody here on the left has that view
Why do you listen to the crazies?????????
I could post stuff daily about MTG and Boebert but I don't because they are crazy and usually don't really represent the right
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
April 1st, 2023 at 7:03:41 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Quote: terapined

Why do you listen to the crazies?????????
A question for CNN and MSNBC among others
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
April 1st, 2023 at 7:18:16 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: odiousgambit
A question for CNN and MSNBC among others

Same thing over at Fox
So what
I just watch TV for sports and that's it
You still watch TV for news?
All my news is from the internet
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
April 1st, 2023 at 7:37:46 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: Gandler
Let's say that there is no such thing as transgender, there is only Gender Dysphoria. If surgies and hormone treatments make people suffering with this disease feel better about themselves, who cares?

If the argument that your brain is your brain, and you should accept yourself for how you are born is consistent, then wouldn't 99% of psychiatry be pointless? (No meds for depression, live with it, no meds for anxiety suck it up, narcolepsy, too bad, hopefully you don't have to drive). And, to take the argument to the next level, if you are supposed to feel that you should comply with your genetic code (as the argument continues to say), well I hate to break it to the big brains on here, but your genetic code indicates a large degree of diseases and attributes that encompass you mentally and physically. So why treat anything at all, let's all live like "Christian scientists" and live and die as we were born.

(I don't agree with any of the above paragraph, but that is what this argument from the right entails.)

If the "disease" weren't contagious to children, I'd be less passionate.

So "feeling" about self (value) would be the primary motive for a solution to overrule trillions of physical sex chromosomes.

Emotions are volatile and not based upon scientific evidence like chromosomes are.

Fundamental emotions can change from one full moon to the next or even in a split second (during a menstrual period for example).

Using feelings to determine the primary value of self is not sustainable.
April 1st, 2023 at 9:21:14 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: DRich
If I were a gay man I would marry you.

I think it would require both of us to be gay. You seem pretty persuasive, but I don't think you're THAT persuasive.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
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