Audiobooks Thoughts

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April 27th, 2023 at 4:10:46 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Posts: 4335
So over the last couple of months, I have been getting into Audiobooks (got an Audible subscription to cut to the chase).

In the past I have been hesitant for audiobooks. I think prior to this I bought Game of Thrones on CD years ago (and I don't think I ever actually listened to it, maybe the first disc, my plan was to on some long drives, but there were so many discs it just got too complicated, and I just read it). And, as a kid had some books on tape for car rides (couldn't tell you which ones).

But, now it is becoming almost an addiction, I much prefer to listen to books. I do enjoy reading, but audiobooks allow you to listen to books while driving or doing almost anything else. The one issue with audiobooks, is some (especially longer fiction books) tend to be abridged (large parts edited out), so you have to be diligent to get an unabridged version. Also, the narrator can really make or break the experience.

But, even nonfiction is great on audiobooks. I have been listening to a lot of memoirs from random people in history, not famous people (highly recommend "The Recollections of Rifleman Harris, 1848 " for people who are interested in the Napoleonic Wars and the use of rifling tech)

Anyone have thoughts on Audiobooks? Better or worse than other methods to consumer literature? As somebody who has long been skeptical, I highly recommend trying them out.
April 27th, 2023 at 4:18:46 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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They only worked for me when I had lots of commute time. But even then I more just did podcasts. In fact I think "Atlas Shrugged" was the only one I did and it was just the first part. The problem is the reader usually goes too slow for my tastes.
The President is a fink.
April 27th, 2023 at 4:22:17 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: AZDuffman
They only worked for me when I had lots of commute time. But even then I more just did podcasts. In fact I think "Atlas Shrugged" was the only one I did and it was just the first part. The problem is the reader usually goes too slow for my tastes.

That is what I love about audible, you can choose reading speed (up to 3.5X or as slow as 0.5X).
So, if the narrator is on the slow side, just bump it it up to 1.25X or 1.5X.
April 28th, 2023 at 2:34:10 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler
That is what I love about audible, you can choose reading speed (up to 3.5X or as slow as 0.5X).
So, if the narrator is on the slow side, just bump it it up to 1.25X or 1.5X.

That doesn't do it for me, sounds too weird.
The President is a fink.
April 28th, 2023 at 2:39:35 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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The idea sounds reasonable.

The only audio format I use is a free podcast through Rumble.

When driving, I don't even listen to music.

I like it quiet.

I like it quiet everywhere too, though.

I suppose I am more of a thinker.

Are you a Taurus, because Taurus rules the ears?

Venus rules Taurus.
August 11th, 2023 at 5:07:35 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Posts: 4335
Quote: DoubleGold
The idea sounds reasonable.

The only audio format I use is a free podcast through Rumble.

When driving, I don't even listen to music.

I like it quiet.

I like it quiet everywhere too, though.

I suppose I am more of a thinker.

Are you a Taurus, because Taurus rules the ears?

Venus rules Taurus.

No, I am a Leo.
August 12th, 2023 at 3:28:18 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Posts: 5339
In high school the vehicle I was allowed to use regularly had a broken radio. I was completely OK with that, but my friends were beside themselves, just couldn't bear the idea of driving around with no music ... so yes, I too, just often just still drive places with no music, just my thoughts, and I'm fine with that

audio books may be in my future , as my vision is going to hell. In the past I liked some of them, but they were expensive, I thought
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
August 13th, 2023 at 8:26:03 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 27
Posts: 4335
Quote: odiousgambit
In high school the vehicle I was allowed to use regularly had a broken radio. I was completely OK with that, but my friends were beside themselves, just couldn't bear the idea of driving around with no music ... so yes, I too, just often just still drive places with no music, just my thoughts, and I'm fine with that

audio books may be in my future , as my vision is going to hell. In the past I liked some of them, but they were expensive, I thought

In the past it was also a paid because you had to get multiple CDs (or tapes if you are going back), and play them in the right order. Much more complicated in a car. It is much more convenient being able to just stream cover to cover without having to worry about that.

They can still be pricey, but are becoming more affordable (also you can often get many for free from your local library if they have an audiobook app -libby is a big one-).
September 27th, 2023 at 7:28:48 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Posts: 11971
The guy that plays Bosch on the Amazon series is also doing the audio books. Listening now
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
September 28th, 2023 at 1:07:30 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 53
Posts: 5104
Quote: terapined
The guy that plays Bosch on the Amazon series is also doing the audio books. Listening now

I enjoyed the Bosch series on TV. I think I binged it in about a week.
At my age a Life In Prison sentence is not much of a detrrent.