Democratic debates

October 7th, 2019 at 7:22:25 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 83
Posts: 2019
Quote: terapined
You're a lawyer?
Did you read my last post in the thread?
SOOPOO, I value his medical opinion, He's a DR.
aceofspades, regardless of you being a lawyer, due to your posts, I would never consider listening to your judicial opinion.

On this issue, I agree with Ed. The House can bring article of impeachment for whatever the f... they want. They could determine that adultery demeans the office to a degree that the President should be removed. If 2/3 of the senators agree, gone....

Ed, what happened to the kind man I met? Just a rude comment directed at Ace. No need for it here.

Where in the Constitution does it say they can bring it for anything other than "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"?

I'll wait
October 7th, 2019 at 8:16:29 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
Threads: 73
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Quote: aceofspades
Where in the Constitution does it say they can bring it for anything other than "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"?

I'll wait

It doesn't because "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" covers everything
Its intentionally vague
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
October 7th, 2019 at 8:34:26 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 83
Posts: 2019
Quote: terapined
It doesn't because "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" covers everything
Its intentionally vague


Do you have citations backing that claim up?
October 7th, 2019 at 8:55:31 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Posts: 4256
Quote: Evenbob
Obama is obsessed with himself,
that's why he had the most corrupt
presidency in history, as will soon
be made evident. He thought his
poopy no stinky to the extent he
thought he could get away with
everything and anything.

most corrupt president in history? Is there any basis for that? Other than having philosophical differences.
October 7th, 2019 at 9:34:24 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 18254
Quote: Gandler
most corrupt president in history? Is there any basis for that? Other than having philosophical differences.

We can start with his IRS stonewalled groups opposed to him.
Can add in his spying of the Trump campaign and undermining him after elected.
His vp getting his son a corrupt job in Ukraine.

Coming up in Chicago politics clean is like walking thru a pig pen and expecting to stay clean.
The President is a fink.
October 7th, 2019 at 9:36:22 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 61
Posts: 3941
Quote: aceofspades

Do you have citations backing that claim up?

No worries, terp. Still got it bookmarked from the last time this was challenged. I'll go on and bold things to save some time...

Quote: Jon Roland, Constitutional society
The question of impeachment turns on the meaning of the phrase in the Constitution at Art. II Sec. 4, "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". I have carefully researched the origin of the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" and its meaning to the Framers, and found that the key to understanding it is the word "high". It does not mean "more serious". It refers to those punishable offenses that only apply to high persons, that is, to public officials, those who, because of their official status, are under special obligations that ordinary persons are not under, and which could not be meaningfully applied or justly punished if committed by ordinary persons.

Under the English common law tradition, crimes were defined through a legacy of court proceedings and decisions that punished offenses not because they were prohibited by statutes, but because they offended the sense of justice of the people and the court. Whether an offense could qualify as punishable depended largely on the obligations of the offender, and the obligations of a person holding a high position meant that some actions, or inactions, could be punishable if he did them, even though they would not be if done by an ordinary person.

Offenses of this kind survive today in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It recognizes as punishable offenses such things as perjury of oath, refusal to obey orders, abuse of authority, dereliction of duty, failure to supervise, moral turpitude, and conduct unbecoming. These would not be offenses if committed by a civilian with no official position, but they are offenses which bear on the subject's fitness for the duties he holds, which he is bound by oath or affirmation to perform.

Perjury is usually defined as "lying under oath". That is not quite right. The original meaning was "violation of one's oath (or affirmation)".
The word "perjury" is usually defined today as "lying under oath about a material matter", but that is not its original or complete meaning, which is "violation of an oath". We can see this by consulting the original Latin from which the term comes. From An Elementary Latin Dictionary, by Charlton T. Lewis (1895), Note that the letter "j" is the letter "i" in Latin.
periurium, i, n,, a false oath, perjury.

periurus, adj., oath-breaking, false to vows, perjured. iuro, avi, atus, are, to swear, take an oath.

iurator, oris, m., a swearer.

iuratus, adj., sworn under oath, bound by an oath.

ius, iuris, that which is binding, right, justice, duty.

per, ... IV. Of means or manner, through, by, by means of, ... under pretense of, by the pretext of, ....
By Art. II Sec. 1 Cl. 8, the president must swear: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He is bound by this oath in all matters until he leaves office. No additional oath is needed to bind him to tell the truth in anything he says, as telling the truth is pursuant to all matters except perhaps those relating to national security. Any public statement is perjury if it is a lie, and not necessary to deceive an enemy.
When a person takes an oath (or affirmation) before giving testimony, he is assuming the role of an official, that of "witness under oath", for the duration of his testimony. That official position entails a special obligation to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and in that capacity, one is punishable in a way he would not be as an ordinary person not under oath. Therefore, perjury is a high crime.
An official such as the president does not need to take a special oath to become subject to the penalties of perjury. He took an oath, by Art. II Sec. 1 Cl. 8, to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" to the best of his ability. While he holds that office, he is always under oath, and lying at any time constitutes perjury if it is not justified for national security.

Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr erred in presenting in his referral only those offenses which could be "laid at the feet" of the president. He functioned like a prosecutor of an offense against criminal statutes that apply to ordinary persons and are provable by the standards of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt". That is not to say that such offenses are not also high crimes or misdemeanors when committed by an official bound by oath. Most such offenses are. But "high crimes and misdemeanors" also includes other offenses, applicable only to a public official, for which the standard is "preponderance of evidence". Holding a particular office of trust is not a right, but a privilege, and removal from such office is not a punishment. Disablement of the right to hold any office in the future would be a punishment, and therefore the standards of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" would apply before that ruling could be imposed by the Senate.

It should be noted, however, that when an offense against a statute is also a "high crime or misdemeanor", it may be, and usually is, referred to by a different name, when considered as such. Thus, an offense like "obstruction of justice" or "subornation of perjury" may become "abuse of authority" when done by an official bound by oath. As such it would be grounds for impeachment and removal from office, but would be punishable by its statutory name once the official is out of office.
An executive official is ultimately responsible for any failures of his subordinates and for their violations of the oath he and they took, which means violations of the Constitution and the rights of persons. It is not necessary to be able to prove that such failures or violations occurred at his instigation or with his knowledge, to be able, in Starr's words, to "lay them at the feet" of the president. It is sufficient to show, on the preponderance of evidence, that the president was aware of misconduct on the part of his subordinates, or should have been, and failed to do all he could to remedy the misconduct, including termination and prosecution of the subordinates and compensation for the victims or their heirs. The president's subordinates include everyone in the executive branch, and their agents and contractors. It is not limited to those over whom he has direct supervision. He is not protected by "plausible deniability". He is legally responsible for everything that everyone in the executive branch is doing.
Therefore, the appropriate subject matter for an impeachment and removal proceeding is the full range of offenses against the Constitution and against the rights of persons committed by subordinate officials and their agents which have not been adequately investigated or remedied.
The massacre at Waco, the assault at Ruby Ridge, and many, many other illegal or excessive assaults by federal agents, and the failure of the president to take action against the offenders, is more than enough to justify impeachment and removal from office on grounds of dereliction of duty. To these we could add the many suspicious incidents that indicate covered up crimes by federal agents, including the suspicious deaths of persons suspected of being knowledgeable of wrongdoing by the president or others in the executive branch, or its contractors.
The impeachment and removal process should be a debate on the entire field of proven and suspected misconduct by federal officials and agents under this president, and if judged to have been excessive by reasonable standards, to be grounds for removal, even if direct complicity cannot be shown.

Interested in how a professional debater can take the above and spin a defense. I eagerly await a reply.
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
October 7th, 2019 at 11:10:49 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 3
Posts: 1087
Quote: Face
No worries, terp. Still got it bookmarked from the last time this was challenged. I'll go on and bold things to save some time...

Quote: Jon Roland, Constitutional society
The question of impeachment turns on the meaning of the phrase in the Constitution at Art. II Sec. 4, "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". I have carefully researched the origin of the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" and its meaning to the Framers, and found that the key to understanding it is the word "high". It does not mean "more serious". It refers to those punishable offenses that only apply to high persons, that is, to public officials, those who, because of their official status, are under special obligations that ordinary persons are not under, and which could not be meaningfully applied or justly punished if committed by ordinary persons.

Under the English common law tradition, crimes were defined through a legacy of court proceedings and decisions that punished offenses not because they were prohibited by statutes, but because they offended the sense of justice of the people and the court. Whether an offense could qualify as punishable depended largely on the obligations of the offender, and the obligations of a person holding a high position meant that some actions, or inactions, could be punishable if he did them, even though they would not be if done by an ordinary person.

Offenses of this kind survive today in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It recognizes as punishable offenses such things as perjury of oath, refusal to obey orders, abuse of authority, dereliction of duty, failure to supervise, moral turpitude, and conduct unbecoming. These would not be offenses if committed by a civilian with no official position, but they are offenses which bear on the subject's fitness for the duties he holds, which he is bound by oath or affirmation to perform.

Perjury is usually defined as "lying under oath". That is not quite right. The original meaning was "violation of one's oath (or affirmation)".
The word "perjury" is usually defined today as "lying under oath about a material matter", but that is not its original or complete meaning, which is "violation of an oath". We can see this by consulting the original Latin from which the term comes. From An Elementary Latin Dictionary, by Charlton T. Lewis (1895), Note that the letter "j" is the letter "i" in Latin.
periurium, i, n,, a false oath, perjury.

periurus, adj., oath-breaking, false to vows, perjured. iuro, avi, atus, are, to swear, take an oath.

iurator, oris, m., a swearer.

iuratus, adj., sworn under oath, bound by an oath.

ius, iuris, that which is binding, right, justice, duty.

per, ... IV. Of means or manner, through, by, by means of, ... under pretense of, by the pretext of, ....
By Art. II Sec. 1 Cl. 8, the president must swear: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He is bound by this oath in all matters until he leaves office. No additional oath is needed to bind him to tell the truth in anything he says, as telling the truth is pursuant to all matters except perhaps those relating to national security. Any public statement is perjury if it is a lie, and not necessary to deceive an enemy.
When a person takes an oath (or affirmation) before giving testimony, he is assuming the role of an official, that of "witness under oath", for the duration of his testimony. That official position entails a special obligation to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and in that capacity, one is punishable in a way he would not be as an ordinary person not under oath. Therefore, perjury is a high crime.
An official such as the president does not need to take a special oath to become subject to the penalties of perjury. He took an oath, by Art. II Sec. 1 Cl. 8, to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" to the best of his ability. While he holds that office, he is always under oath, and lying at any time constitutes perjury if it is not justified for national security.

Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr erred in presenting in his referral only those offenses which could be "laid at the feet" of the president. He functioned like a prosecutor of an offense against criminal statutes that apply to ordinary persons and are provable by the standards of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt". That is not to say that such offenses are not also high crimes or misdemeanors when committed by an official bound by oath. Most such offenses are. But "high crimes and misdemeanors" also includes other offenses, applicable only to a public official, for which the standard is "preponderance of evidence". Holding a particular office of trust is not a right, but a privilege, and removal from such office is not a punishment. Disablement of the right to hold any office in the future would be a punishment, and therefore the standards of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" would apply before that ruling could be imposed by the Senate.

It should be noted, however, that when an offense against a statute is also a "high crime or misdemeanor", it may be, and usually is, referred to by a different name, when considered as such. Thus, an offense like "obstruction of justice" or "subornation of perjury" may become "abuse of authority" when done by an official bound by oath. As such it would be grounds for impeachment and removal from office, but would be punishable by its statutory name once the official is out of office.
An executive official is ultimately responsible for any failures of his subordinates and for their violations of the oath he and they took, which means violations of the Constitution and the rights of persons. It is not necessary to be able to prove that such failures or violations occurred at his instigation or with his knowledge, to be able, in Starr's words, to "lay them at the feet" of the president. It is sufficient to show, on the preponderance of evidence, that the president was aware of misconduct on the part of his subordinates, or should have been, and failed to do all he could to remedy the misconduct, including termination and prosecution of the subordinates and compensation for the victims or their heirs. The president's subordinates include everyone in the executive branch, and their agents and contractors. It is not limited to those over whom he has direct supervision. He is not protected by "plausible deniability". He is legally responsible for everything that everyone in the executive branch is doing.
Therefore, the appropriate subject matter for an impeachment and removal proceeding is the full range of offenses against the Constitution and against the rights of persons committed by subordinate officials and their agents which have not been adequately investigated or remedied.
The massacre at Waco, the assault at Ruby Ridge, and many, many other illegal or excessive assaults by federal agents, and the failure of the president to take action against the offenders, is more than enough to justify impeachment and removal from office on grounds of dereliction of duty. To these we could add the many suspicious incidents that indicate covered up crimes by federal agents, including the suspicious deaths of persons suspected of being knowledgeable of wrongdoing by the president or others in the executive branch, or its contractors.
The impeachment and removal process should be a debate on the entire field of proven and suspected misconduct by federal officials and agents under this president, and if judged to have been excessive by reasonable standards, to be grounds for removal, even if direct complicity cannot be shown.

Interested in how a professional debater can take the above and spin a defense. I eagerly await a reply.

What you quoted seems to be the opinion of John Roland. I am not going to debate what he said and I am not going to look for other knowledgeable professionals, who I have little doubt, are not in complete agreement with everything he has stated.

For now, I will assume everything he said is correct. By Roland's standards, I would bet that every single president we have ever had has committed impeachable offenses. Why have they not been impeached?

By Roland's standards, Bill Clinton, committed impeachable offenses , such as obstruction of justice and perjury. Why was he not removed from office? Is Roland wrong in his article??

Roland said that the president during the Waco massacre, committed an impeachable offense. Why wasn't Bill Clinton impeached for this?? Shouldn't President Odumdun have been impeached for "Fast and Furious" ? I could go on and on and on with examples which would meet Roland's standards of "impeachable offenses".
Let's go Brandon
October 7th, 2019 at 12:10:54 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 189
Posts: 18809
Quote: AZDuffman
If he thinks he is not paying enough he can act like a man and lead by example and give as much of his money as he wants to the Treasury.

Like Trump does with his POTUS salary.

Ever notice not one of these liberals who keep bragging how much money they have ever does this?

Then I suppose there are real men on the “taxes are theft” side who won’t pay them. Then there are those who are just all talk.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
October 7th, 2019 at 12:14:30 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 61
Posts: 3941
Quote: fleaswatter

What you quoted seems to be the opinion of John Roland. I am not going to debate what he said and I am not going to look for other knowledgeable professionals, who I have little doubt, are not in complete agreement with everything he has stated.

For now, I will assume everything he said is correct. By Roland's standards, I would bet that every single president we have ever had has committed impeachable offenses. Why have they not been impeached?

By Roland's standards, Bill Clinton, committed impeachable offenses , such as obstruction of justice and perjury. Why was he not removed from office? Is Roland wrong in his article??

Roland said that the president during the Waco massacre, committed an impeachable offense. Why wasn't Bill Clinton impeached for this?? Shouldn't President Odumdun have been impeached for "Fast and Furious" ? I could go on and on and on with examples which would meet Roland's standards of "impeachable offenses".

Clinton's a bit tough for me. I was 12; my whole political knowledge was "he got a blowie teeheehee" and not one thing further lol.

But as an adult, I can only say "I have no idea". You bring up a few really good points and we both know there's innumerable more that we're not aware of. Why do we accept these as SOP these days? I'm too ignorant on every detail of Waco to comment, but yes, Clinton should have been impeached AND removed from office during Lewinski. I too champion the idea of "manliness" and "being Alpha", and his idiot defense and general manufactured ignorance is neither. He committed one of the most obvious known offenses that every single person learns when they get their first job - you cannot engage with subordinates. He did. That's an issue, though perhaps not impeachable (in my own opinion). It was the sleazy, disgenuine fakery he engaged in to cover it up that tells me "No, this person is not fit.", because that's not what a "man" does. A man does not argue about minutia, or the meaning of two letter words. A man admits mistakes and rectifies them, he doesn't waste the nation's time and his own integrity with bulls#$% pedantry. Eff the sleaze and the slime, you are in the highest office in the world, and you are not worthy. Be gone.

Fast and furious? Jesus Christ. I don't even know where to start on this stuff, because just like you I could go on and on. Pumping a f#$%ton of automatic weapons to drug cartels, while at the same time demonizing 10rd plinkers at home... I don't get it. Bush bombed weddings of civilians. Raped us with the Patriot act. Faked an entire 20+yr long and counting war. Why not impeached? I wish I could tell you. Obama gave guns to tyrants. He did not protect us by ditching the Patriot act as he should have. And while I am not aware of specifics, I guarantee there's a bunch of brown folks half a world away that are now dead because of him. Why not impeached? Reagan? Iran-Contra? Nicaragua?

I wish I had answers, flea. Why does Congress follow the will of the people in only 30% of the cases? Why are pols allowed to lie openly on TV with no recourse? Why are promises not kept forgotten and forgiven? Why are we still in a 20yr war when it's not been Congress approved? Why are we working at the behest and under the control of OUR EMPLOYEES?

I have no idea, flea, but I'm done with it.
Be bold and risk defeat, or be cautious and encourage it.
October 7th, 2019 at 1:43:36 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 135
Posts: 18254
Quote: rxwine
Then I suppose there are real men on the “taxes are theft” side who won’t pay them. Then there are those who are just all talk.

I cannot understand what you are trying to say. If you do not pay taxes, men with guns take you to Lewisburg. Not paying not an option.
The President is a fink.