Space Force

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May 16th, 2020 at 8:49:06 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Posts: 4576
Quote: AZDuffman
Quote: Gandler

Official Flag released:
"The official flag of the Space Force is derived from key and central elements of the seal of the United States Space Force, presented on a black field fringed in platinum with the words “United States Space Force” and Roman numerals MMXIX (2019) below the seal. "

President Trump unveils the Official Flag of the United States Space Force:

This is another great step for America. Also, an excellent Flag and emblem.

Not bad looking. And Space Force about 20 years after we should have had it.

They question is once up and running how many points should I lay when they play Army? Or anyone else?

I missed this question. Are you talking about Football?
May 16th, 2020 at 9:53:48 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 136
Posts: 19787
Quote: Gandler
Quote: AZDuffman
Quote: Gandler

Official Flag released:
"The official flag of the Space Force is derived from key and central elements of the seal of the United States Space Force, presented on a black field fringed in platinum with the words “United States Space Force” and Roman numerals MMXIX (2019) below the seal. "

President Trump unveils the Official Flag of the United States Space Force:

This is another great step for America. Also, an excellent Flag and emblem.

Not bad looking. And Space Force about 20 years after we should have had it.

They question is once up and running how many points should I lay when they play Army? Or anyone else?

I missed this question. Are you talking about Football?

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength
May 16th, 2020 at 10:04:08 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 28
Posts: 4576
Quote: AZDuffman
Quote: Gandler
Quote: AZDuffman
Quote: Gandler

Official Flag released:
"The official flag of the Space Force is derived from key and central elements of the seal of the United States Space Force, presented on a black field fringed in platinum with the words “United States Space Force” and Roman numerals MMXIX (2019) below the seal. "

President Trump unveils the Official Flag of the United States Space Force:

This is another great step for America. Also, an excellent Flag and emblem.

Not bad looking. And Space Force about 20 years after we should have had it.

They question is once up and running how many points should I lay when they play Army? Or anyone else?

I missed this question. Are you talking about Football?


For now it will be the same odds as the Airforce.

Because Space Force Cadets will go through the Airforce Academy (hence Airforce Football team), (Similar to how Marine Cadets go through the Naval Academy and play on the Navy team if they play).

It will be interesting to see in the future if the branch becomes so expanded that they have their own academy and bootcamp. But, the Marines have been using the Naval Academy since the beginning (I believe), so its likely that the Space Force will be training at the Airforce Academy for the foreseeable future.

Its kind of strange how the Coast Guard has their own academy and is such a tiny branch (30-40k I believe), but the Marines (200k) still use the Naval Academy. You would think the Coast Guard could be enveloped into the Naval Academy, but maybe since they are under the Homeland Security department they want to do things differently.

Right now Space Force only has 16k members (making it the new smallest branch even smaller than the CG). So the odds of it breaking off from the Airforce Academy are probably slim until it vastly expands (and even then maybe not, because look at the Marines expansion and they still use the Naval Academy). Though the Space Force does not even have their own bootcamp yet, I predict this will come to pass first (instead of having new members go through Airforce Basic Training to join off the street).
May 20th, 2020 at 3:47:30 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 28
Posts: 4576

New (Presumably final) trailer released today.

Its looking pretty promising. It's a shame its not coming out until after Memorial Day Weekend.
May 31st, 2020 at 1:18:31 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 28
Posts: 4576
I watched the whole series this weekend.

I enjoyed it.

Lots of negative reviews from critics, but looking at rotten tomatoes, its something like 30% from critics and over 75% from audience, so its another case of major disconnect from professional reviewers and the general audience.

To be clear this is not a life changing or even amazing show. But, it is a solid show that is very watchable. It is an interesting setting, dry humor, can be slow at times (which is probably what caused negative reviews), very different than many standard comedy shows. I enjoyed it, but I understand those who do not. (Also, its worth noting that the first season of the Office experienced similar reception...)

It is a similar comedy style to the Office (but its not filmed like a documentary).... I would say that if you like the Office, you wil at least enjoy this show. I will not hail it as amazing, but between the interesting setting, great actors, dry humor, its enjoyable. Again, its the kind of show I enjoy (and I see why others would) , but I understand those who don't.

Bottom line if you like The Office (which based on this forum, I would imagime most here do) its worth watching at least an episode or two (30 min episodes).
May 31st, 2020 at 4:18:39 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25685
Quote: Gandler
I watched the whole series this weekend.

I enjoyed it.

Lots of negative reviews from critics, but looking at rotten tomatoes, its something like 30% from critics and over 75% from audience,

IMDB has a ton of negative reviews
that say it's boring and not funny
and has terrible writing. This is one
of the kinder negative reviews:

Another Netflix turkey
elliotjeory29 May 2020

The problem with this show is that it has humor only a child would find funny. If they made it more of a drama with comedic undertones than it would of worked well with the good cast and the decent budget but instead it's just stupid. Very disappointed. Please Netflix work on your scripts and dialogue, they are essential.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
May 31st, 2020 at 4:41:56 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 28
Posts: 4576
Quote: Evenbob
IMDB has a ton of negative reviews
that say it's boring and not funny
and has terrible writing. This is one
of the kinder negative reviews:

Another Netflix turkey
elliotjeory29 May 2020

The problem with this show is that it has humor only a child would find funny. If they made it more of a drama with comedic undertones than it would of worked well with the good cast and the decent budget but instead it's just stupid. Very disappointed. Please Netflix work on your scripts and dialogue, they are essential.

I never looked at IMDB until now, but the first critic on the page (not him anymore obviously), has a review pretty in line with what I feel. (actually it has a 6.9 critic rating which is better than rotten tomatoes).

"But “Space Force” doesn’t declare comedic war on the idea that inspired it, so much as just giggle about the name and then kick around some kooky ways its budget could be wasted by dopey adults. That’s a fair approach too, but it’s a significant drop-off especially as the show proves much quicker with its droll dialogue than the dramatic force involving America trying to take over space. And yet after seeing all of season one I am still recommending this show, in part because adjusting expectations does make it more enjoyable, and it simply is funny enough to warrant a look. "

I enjoyed it, not a grand show, but a solid Comedy that I feel most Office fans would at least enjoy.

If you have Netflix and you are stuck at home, its worth the watch. But, like I said, don't have unrealistic expectations.... I think the concept around the show and political dynamics alone made it enjoyable for me. Like I said, the humor is dry, some is childish at times, its tolerable. Overall I enjoyed it, for Office Fans worth checking out. I don't hate it as much as most seem to....
May 31st, 2020 at 4:50:10 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25685
Quote: Gandler
Overall I enjoyed it, for Office Fans worth checking out. ..

I watched the Office till season 3,
then it got boring and repetitive.
How stupid can we make Dwight &
Carrell's character look this week.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
June 2nd, 2020 at 4:55:06 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Posts: 13466
I watched the first episode. It was *fine* but nothing special. I’ll watch a couple more before deciding to stick with it or not.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
June 4th, 2020 at 12:12:26 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25685
Okay, I watched the first episode. The production
values pretty, good pretty realistic. It has in almost
stellar cast, I recognized almost everybody from
TV series that were on for years. So the acting was
great. The problem is, the writing sucks. The storyline
sucks. It's almost totally not funny.

The biggest problem is Steve Carell is in almost
every scene and Steve Carell is never funny. On
his old show The Office, he wasn't funny, the people
around him were funny. Steve Carell is more of a
straight man than he is a comedian. Why are people
like Jane Lynch and John Malkovich in this show.
Did they read the script? Are we supposed to
think Steve Carell running everywhere in his
generals uniform and dancing and singing in
his office is funny?

His wife is played by Lisa Kudrow from Friends.
We see her at the beginning of the show in bed
with her husband, and in the very next scene
she's in prison in an orange jumpsuit. I read in
one of the reviews of somebody who saw all
10 episodes that they never explain or even
hint at explaining why Lisa Kudrow's character
is in prison. Is this supposed to be funny,
because nobody gets it if it is.

My question is why would anybody watch
more than the first episode of this unfunny,
unlikable, confusing show.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
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