Is Covid over?

June 11th, 2024 at 4:27:31 AM permalink
Member since: Feb 19, 2014
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Quote: AZDuffman
They can say it is "safe." But it still seems a far better practice to to spread it out. Let your body accept the first one before taking a second one.

And I will keep going back to the vaxers complaint that if I do not get it they are somehow more at risk. If it works as advertised why should a vaxed person worry about an unvaxed one? 3 years no vax no problem here.

First point…. Convenience is the answer. Some people just hate getting stuck with a needle.

Second point. ‘Herd immunity’ is a real thing, and thus was a laudable objective of trying to vaccinate everybody. As has been proven, it was never fully accomplished, in part to people like you who refused to get vaccinated, and also the fact that vaccination did not offer 100% protection against getting COVID.

And YOU pointing out that YOU are alive despite being unvaccinated is just a totally insignificant anecdote. No ‘pro vaxxer’ ever said all vaxxed people will live and all non vaxxed people will die. Just that you are more likely to die unvaxxed. Which was EASILY proven true.

All that being said, you know I support your right to not be vaxxed.
June 11th, 2024 at 5:32:43 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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First point…. Convenience is the answer. Some people just hate getting stuck with a needle.

Second point. ‘Herd immunity’ is a real thing, and thus was a laudable objective of trying to vaccinate everybody. As has been proven, it was never fully accomplished, in part to people like you who refused to get vaccinated, and also the fact that vaccination did not offer 100% protection against getting COVID.

And YOU pointing out that YOU are alive despite being unvaccinated is just a totally insignificant anecdote. No ‘pro vaxxer’ ever said all vaxxed people will live and all non vaxxed people will die. Just that you are more likely to die unvaxxed. Which was EASILY proven true.

All that being said, you know I support your right to not be vaxxed.

I think there is another argument. When these un-vaxxed people get really sick, even when they have insurance, they are likely increasing overall insurance costs unnecessarily, and using medical facilities that could be used by people acting intelligently.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
June 11th, 2024 at 5:43:10 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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I do agree with the right to do anything risky or stupid to yourself. With caveats. Such as, who is paying, is too often only applied to poor people.

Who paid for this private operation disaster for instance?

The search and rescue operations for the missing Titan submersible were primarily funded by the U.S. government12. The U.S. Coast Guard, as a matter of both law and policy, does not seek to recover the costs associated with search and rescue from the recipients of those services1. This is in accordance with the U.S. law, specifically 46 USC 2110 (a) (5), which prohibits the Coast Guard from collecting fees for the conduct of search and rescue operations1.

The search operation was a massive international effort involving agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard, the Canadian Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, and other agencies and private entities2. Most of the assets used in the search were from the Canadian Coast Guard, but the U.S. Coast Guard resources included an HC-130 Hercules long-range search aircraft from Elizabeth City, North Carolina1.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
June 11th, 2024 at 6:06:45 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 18452
Quote: rxwine
I think there is another argument. When these un-vaxxed people get really sick, even when they have insurance, they are likely increasing overall insurance costs unnecessarily, and using medical facilities that could be used by people acting intelligently.

So, you felt the same about gay males not changing their behavior and having a far higher risk of AIDS?
The President is a fink.
June 11th, 2024 at 6:13:29 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Quote: AZDuffman
So, you felt the same about gay males not changing their behavior and having a far higher risk of AIDS?

Duffman spends more time thinking about AIDs than any normal person.

Gurl, get on PrEP and move on with your life like the rest of us!
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
June 11th, 2024 at 6:18:25 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 18452
First point…. Convenience is the answer. Some people just hate getting stuck with a needle.

I partially get that. But I do wish there was some kind of choice. I just see so much problem with these cocktails they want to pump you with. Sometimes you have to. When I was in the hospital they told me they were starting with a broad based antibiotic and would narrow it down as they figured out what was best. Eventually they did then I had a month or two of having to take it, but just the narrow not for stuff I did not need. That seems like commonsense medicine.

Second point. ‘Herd immunity’ is a real thing, and thus was a laudable objective of trying to vaccinate everybody. As has been proven, it was never fully accomplished, in part to people like you who refused to get vaccinated, and also the fact that vaccination did not offer 100% protection against getting COVID.

And that is my reason for not wanting it. Take a risk on this thing that is not even a real vaccine like say smallpox vax was. Meanwhile the virus seems to have passed to history though some people line up for the booster shot yearly.

And YOU pointing out that YOU are alive despite being unvaccinated is just a totally insignificant anecdote. No ‘pro vaxxer’ ever said all vaxxed people will live and all non vaxxed people will die. Just that you are more likely to die unvaxxed. Which was EASILY proven true.

All that being said, you know I support your right to not be vaxxed.

Anecdotes are insignificant until you hear them enough. Mine remains that everyone I know who caught it after the vax had the vax while everyone who skipped the vax had no major issues. Despite how political it was made, nobody I knew skipped the vax because they were "told to do so." All just kind of said, "I think I will wait and see." Also all were born before 1980 by far. IOW, all have seen a lot in our lives and do not just believe what we are told.

I support your and everyone's right to get vaxed. I just get irritated when the "my body, my choice" crowd changes their tune about it.
The President is a fink.
June 11th, 2024 at 6:20:34 AM permalink
Member since: Feb 19, 2014
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Posts: 4247
Quote: AZDuffman
So, you felt the same about gay males not changing their behavior and having a far higher risk of AIDS?

Add smoking, heroin abuse, sky diving, obesity, etc….

We allow private companies to not offer life insurance to ‘those people’, but don’t restrict health insurance coverage to ‘them’.

I vacillate on this issue….
June 11th, 2024 at 9:26:39 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: AZDuffman
So, you felt the same about gay males not changing their behavior and having a far higher risk of AIDS?

Suprises surprise, I do consider individual behavior whether gay or heterosexual. If you're heterosexual and having many partners without having yourself checked out I don't give you a pass either.

Consider this:
In Nevada, where prostitution is legal in some counties, the state has implemented strict regulations to mitigate the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Since 1972, Nevada has required prostitutes to take weekly tests for gonorrhea and monthly tests for syphilis, and has refused to license prostitutes testing positive for either disease1. The state added a monthly AIDS test in 19861.

A study conducted between 1982 and 1989 on 246 prostitutes in one brothel revealed only 2 cases of syphilis and 19 cases of gonorrhea2. Another study in 1988 found 5000 cases of gonorrhea in Nevada, only 9 of which were detected in legal brothels2.

As to some of things SOOPOO mentioned, compare changing one's diet wholsale to getting one or two shots over a year. So, I don't buy most excuses.

If you have an actual medical reason not to get a vax, fine. "I don't wanna" is an idiot's excuse for something so simple to accomplish.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
June 11th, 2024 at 10:44:51 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 135
Posts: 18452
Quote: rxwine
Suprises surprise, I do consider individual behavior whether gay or heterosexual. If you're heterosexual and having many partners without having yourself checked out I don't give you a pass either.

Consider this:

As to some of things SOOPOO mentioned, compare changing one's diet wholsale to getting one or two shots over a year. So, I don't buy most excuses.

If you have an actual medical reason not to get a vax, fine. "I don't wanna" is an idiot's excuse for something so simple to accomplish.

An “excuse” would mean I wanted to do it but something stopping me. I don’t want any the vax. End of story
The President is a fink.
June 11th, 2024 at 12:12:27 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
Threads: 29
Posts: 12840
Quote: AZDuffman
I don’t want any the vax. End of story

Just like women don’t want any of you. WE GET IT.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman