River Jordan's Corner! :D

May 26th, 2023 at 5:07:40 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 33
Posts: 3109
Quote: Riverjordan
Today is the four year Anniversary of my banning from WOV for a fed up one time cussing rant. I honestly thought I was going to get a one month Suspension and then be right back. I apologized multiple times for that fed up cussing rant. Four years later, I am still banned from WOV.

As opposed to getting banned, imagine the possibility of losing a medical license for publishing info against a narrative like Peter McCullough did.

The linked doc shows his credentials and reply.


Medical Board Moves To Strip Dr. Peter McCullough Of Certifications

NOV 02, 2022
A medical board has moved to strip top cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough of his certifications in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease, claiming that he provided misleading medical information to the public about COVID-19 vaccines.

May 26th, 2023 at 10:44:18 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
Threads: 113
Posts: 3309
Quote: DoubleGold
I think so.


I was an entry level Mason for a couple years, what a waste of time.

A lot of ritualistic mumbo jumbo that was as useful as shit on a plow handle.
May 26th, 2023 at 8:33:33 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 23, 2012
Threads: 239
Posts: 6101
Quote: Riverjordan
Today is the four year Anniversary of my banning from WOV for a fed up one time cussing rant. I honestly thought I was going to get a one month Suspension and then be right back. I apologized multiple times for that fed up cussing rant. Four years later, I am still banned from WOV.

You just don't call a female moderator the C word and expect to get off lightly. All roads back go through her and she is still a moderator in good standing.
Knowledge is Good -- Emil Faber
May 26th, 2023 at 10:09:05 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 680
Quote: Wizard
You just don't call a female moderator the C word and expect to get off lightly. All roads back go through her and she is still a moderator in good standing.


II was just saying EVERY cussword I could think of, I was that pissed off. I was harassed, attacked, and insulted for three years by BBB for three years. Keep in mind that I was being attacked, harassed, and insulted by other Posters, and I asked BBB for help. I thought she was going to say to my Harassers, attackers, and insulters something like,"You Posters attacking, harassing, and insulting Nathan really need to knock it off. She's upset and I honestly don't blame her. I would be upset too in Nathan's shoes. You guys owe her apologies and please refrain from harassing, attacking, d insulting her going forward. " Instead, she replied something like,"Suck it up and grow up or I will ban you!" She said this to ME, the VICTIM who asked her for help!😱

On another Gambling Website, Posters mentioned they were shocked that BBB said that to ME, the VICTIM who asked her for help rather than asking my insulters, Harassers, and attackers to stop. It's truly shocking that I was able to smile politely for three years before finally going off on her in a one time fed up cussing rant. I feel used, manipulated and played, doing every single request asked of me in hopes of being reinstated and I'm still banned to this day . I even apologized multiple times for that one time fed up cussing rant.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
May 27th, 2023 at 5:51:53 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
Threads: 75
Posts: 12290
Quote: Riverjordan
I was just saying EVERY cussword I could think of, I was that pissed off. I was harassed, attacked, and insulted for three years by BBB for three years. Keep in mind that I was being attacked, harassed, and insulted by other Posters, and I asked BVB for help and she replied something like,"Suck it up and grow up or I will ban you!" She said this to ME, the VICTIM who asked her for help! It's truly shocking that I was able to smile politely for three years before finally going off on her in a one time fed up cussing rant.

I felt used, manipulated and played, doing every single request asked of me in hopes of being reinstated and I'm still banned to this day . I even apologized multiple times for that one time fed up cussing rant.

The moderation sucks over there.
Incredibly poor decisions
Thats why I no longer post there
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
May 27th, 2023 at 6:34:28 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 33
Posts: 3109
Quote: missedhervee

I was an entry level Mason for a couple years, what a waste of time.

A lot of ritualistic mumbo jumbo that was as useful as shit on a plow handle.

I'd imagine the info becomes more classified the higher the rank (degree).

How would you explain the two-tiered justice system?
May 31st, 2023 at 11:10:24 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 680
Could Darlie Routier be innocent? She's accused of murdering her Baby and is on death row. But her mugshot has the look of sadness that conveys a profound grief, like,"My Son is dead and I'm truly innocent, but I am being accused of being his Murderer." Her mugshot doesn't look like someone who is sad because she got caught. Compare this to Susan Smith's mugshot that conveys,"I'm sad because I got caught." susan murdered her babies for a man and claimed a black man kidnapped her babies. She confessed 9 days later)
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
June 2nd, 2023 at 2:11:30 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 680
So, I recently left a certain Gambling Website when it became clear that the Owner was never going to lift a Posting Limit that has been imposed on me since 2019. In 2019, I was a major Troll. And the owner said something like,"If you don't stop Trolling, I will give you a Posting Limit." The thing is, this warning was in a regular thread and not PMed to me, so I didn't see it. I kept Trolling and then soon, I tried to make a post and got a message saying something like,"An error has occurred! You have reached your Posting Limit for the day!" I was like,"WTF? Since when do I have a Posting Limit? 🤨🧐🤔😳😱

I soon after saw the Posting Limit warning AFTER it was already in effect. In 2020, I stopped Trolling for good. I constantly asked the Owner to lift that Posting Limit imposed on me and to this day it's still in effect despite me not Trolling for three years. I even pointed out that other Posters posted much worse things than I ever did even at my most Trollish and they don't have Posting Limits.

One Poster was particularly nasty, making disgusting lies about me and my family, something that could have gotten me into a lot of trouble had I been in a position of Authority such as a Teacher or a Police Officer.

He also falsely claimed he had a gay threesome with two straight and married men. One of these men has underaged Children with his wife and the gay threesome lies could have easily resulted in double divorces and custody battles had the wives believed the gay threesome lie. He didn't get a Posting Limit and he only got banned when he insulted the Owner's Culture, not knowing that Owner is part of the Culture he insulted. I pointed out to the Owner that he let the Poster say all these disgusting lies and never gave him a Posting Limit but gave me a Posting Limit when I was no where as bad as this Poster was even at my most Trollish. He ignored me.

Five months ago, the Owner FINALLY said something like,"I'm thinking about lifting the Posting Limit." I didn't make a new thread in almost five months to show that the posting limit should be lifted. I sent him PMs pointing out that I went almost five months without posting a new thread on purpose to show that the posting limit should be lifted. He ignored my PM. I finally made a new thread almost five months later to announce I was leaving because I realized the posting limit was never going to be lifted and I was tired of being treated like a laughingstock joke. A Poster responded something like,"You know, she has a point. The Owner has strung her along for a long time."
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.
June 3rd, 2023 at 12:57:35 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
Threads: 113
Posts: 3309
So you're gonna stamp your feet and pull a KJ and leave in a huff?

Quit bitching; Dan lets you post, so what if he limits the number of posts?

Your problem is that you post too frequently with vapid, inane ill-thought out and irrelevant bits of bullshit.

Look at your Axl thread as a good example.

Sure, I participated in it too but only for an exercise in creativity.

I mean think about it Tasha: why would anybody in their right mind think it was apt to post your tale of dual Axl's, time travel and Cake Cream?

How does THAT relate to sin city?

While I hope you return I can understand why Dan has limited your ability to post: 'twas to prevent a blizzard of off-topic bullshit that only you care about: you're sort of like Garnabby in that regard except you're black, female, and not a Canuck.
June 3rd, 2023 at 4:01:34 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 21, 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 680
Quote: missedhervee
So you're gonna stamp your feet and pull a KJ and leave in a huff?

Quit bitching; Dan lets you post, so what if he limits the number of posts?

Your problem is that you post too frequently with vapid, inane ill-thought out and irrelevant bits of bullshit.

Look at your Axl thread as a good example.

Sure, I participated in it too but only for an exercise in creativity.

I mean think about it Tasha: why would anybody in their right mind think it was apt to post your tale of dual Axl's, time travel and Cake Cream?

How does THAT relate to sin city?

While I hope you return I can understand why Dan has limited your ability to post: 'twas to prevent a blizzard of off-topic bullshit that only you care about: you're sort of like Garnabby in that regard except you're black, female, and not a Canuck.

I put the Axl Rose story in the appropriate Whatever's On Your Mind Section of VCT. It's not like I put it in the Main Las Vegas Section.

My leaving VCT is more because Dan constantly ignored my requests to lift the Posting Limit imposed on me. There's a difference between,"Once I put a Posting Limit on someone, it's a PERMANENT Posting Limit," and not responding at all. If Dan had responded something like,"The software does not allow Posting Limits to ever be lifted, so Posting Limits are permanent, no matter if the Poster changes for the better," that I could understand. But him not responding at ALL is insulting. I left VCT after not being responded to at all. Dan did respond to me ONCE this year, saying he was thinking of possibly lifting the Posting Limit, but that was around five months ago and I even stopped making new threads for most of that time as proof I deserved to have my full posting rights reinstated, but he continued to ignore me even after I sent a PM pointing out I hadn't started a new thread in almost five months. I made one new thread in almost five months, the "I'm out of here," thread when I fully realized I was being treated like a laughingstock joke and Dan was ignoring my good behavior so to speak and I wasn't getting my posting limit lifted.
Alec Baldwin's gun should have been CGI. Would have prevented the tragedy. Facts.