The Biden Presidency 2023

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January 19th, 2024 at 8:11:00 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Quote: GenoDRPh
Tax cuts to the rich aren't shameless vote buying and have an effect of inflation?
why is deflection a reflex with you?
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
January 19th, 2024 at 8:28:37 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 24, 2023
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Quote: odiousgambit
why is deflection a reflex with you?

The same reason why one-side hypocrisy is inherent to you, I guess.
January 19th, 2024 at 8:43:46 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 7, 2012
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Quote: ams288
Okay, I am confused.

When Feinstein died, the GOP was so happy because the judiciary committee was tied 9-9 and it would take republicans help to confirm Biden’s judges out of committee.

I assumed the Dems would not be able to appoint someone to Feinstein’s seat on the committee without changing the rules?? Feinstein tried to step down when she was alive and she couldn’t because of this.

Fast forward to my surprise when reading this article just now:

She was still alive when they said that they would block replacing her...

"“It’s a prerogative of the Democratic leader to put who he wants on the Judiciary Committee. So I don’t think that’s an issue,” Cornyn said, arguing that it was different when Republicans blocked a temporary swap on the panel earlier this year while Feinstein was absent due to medical leave.

“The problem was he was willing to try to do that while Sen. Feinstein was still a member of that committee, even though she wasn’t present,” Cornyn said, referring to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “So that’s the unorthodox procedure.”

Cornyn said that it’s different now that the seat is vacant."
January 20th, 2024 at 3:37:02 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
January 20th, 2024 at 3:52:24 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: GenoDRPh
Tax cuts to the rich aren't shameless vote buying and have an effect of inflation?

The Trump tax cuts were passed in 2017, and the rate of inflation fell from 2.13% in 2017 to 1.81% in 2019.

Every income bracket saw a tax break under the TJCA. The lower income brackets saw the largest reductions.

The top rate fell from 39.6% to 37%, while the 33% bracket dropped to 32%, the 28% bracket to 24%, the 25% bracket to 22%, and the 15% bracket to 12%.

The dems controlled the Executive and Legislative branches for two years, yet despite Biden's promise to repeal TJCA, they didn't even try. They know it is sound policy and they would have wrecked the economy if they repealed it.

We'll see if they let it sunset next year.

Instead, they passed Biden's Build Back Better Act, which cut taxes for two-thirds of households making over $1 million a year.

The biggest tax breaks under Biden's BBB are going to the higher income brackets.

'According to TPC, two-thirds of households making over $1 million per year would receive a tax cut under the Build Back Better Act. More than three-quarters of households earning between $500,000 and $1 million would also receive a tax cut, as would two-thirds of those earning between $200,000 and $500,000.'
January 24th, 2024 at 12:41:38 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Unlike Donny, Biden actually DOES only hire the best people!

“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
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