Fox News Faux Pas

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April 19th, 2023 at 8:12:37 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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What is the cost of willful, intentional lying via mass media?

$787.5 million to Dominion, that's how much.

LOL, help me up, I fell off my chair from laughing so hard.

Wow, what a great day for the force of truth, justice, and the American Way.

Hopefully now the MAGA crowd will realize they've been duped, lied to, and brain-washed.
April 19th, 2023 at 8:22:10 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Sorry Mr. V, I think you're far too optimistic. Most MAGA crowd will just keep making excuses. And Fox probably learned not to lie about businesses. That's about it. Everything else is fair game still.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
April 19th, 2023 at 9:12:49 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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I suspect most Fox viewers have no idea what happened yesterday.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
April 19th, 2023 at 9:44:51 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: rxwine
Sorry Mr. V, I think you're far too optimistic. Most MAGA crowd will just keep making excuses. And Fox probably learned not to lie about businesses. That's about it. Everything else is fair game still.

Fox News has been doing so well lately that they figure it was a justified expense. Gotta spend a billion to make ten billion.
At my age a Life In Prison sentence is not much of a detrrent.
April 19th, 2023 at 11:24:47 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: ams288
I suspect most Fox viewers have no idea what happened yesterday.

I agree
Everybody led with this except foxnews
I went to the website yesterday just to see
If the story is there, it's buried deep
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
April 19th, 2023 at 12:32:51 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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Posts: 3196
My wife and I finished our morning workout this AM at the fitness center.

She was on the treadmill and two ladies were on treadmills next to her: they had Fox News on and were obviously Kool-Aid drinkers.

When my wife brought up the Dominion settlement the two women had no clue what she was talking about, and when she told them they said it was news to them, then one of them scoffed dismissively, saying "I'm sure there's a lot more to it;"then they continued to spew Trumpish nonsense.

Of course were I Rupert Murdoch I would not be in a hurry to tell my audience how badly I'd screwed the pooch, how I got caught lying and had to pay huge money in order to slink away like a whipped dog with my tail between my legs.

I must say I enjoyed watching Jake Trapper at CNN try to keep a straight face when reporting the story: funny as hell.

But we'll soon get to see the other voting machine lawsuit, hopefully it won't settle.
April 19th, 2023 at 12:41:33 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: missedhervee

I must say I enjoyed watching Jake Trapper at CNN try to keep a straight face when reporting the story: funny as hell.

Their statement was absurd in that they referred to their "high journalistic standards".
The BS is deep
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
April 19th, 2023 at 4:18:23 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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Posts: 3196
Gotta wonder how many of the Fox News loving MAGA crowd are and will remain blissfully unaware of the settlement and its implications?

Also will this cold, stark reality cause any of them who become aware of it to turn away from Fox News or is the addiction too strong?
April 19th, 2023 at 4:35:20 PM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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I think the majority of the MAGA crowd left on election night when they called Arizona before the other scammers.

What was left are the remaining conservatives, such as the Paul Ryan and Mike Pence crowd.

They have been split since the election and still are.

They should be easy to beat in a fair election since the party is split.

On the other side, Kennedy is a good start but definitely not Biden.

I don't see addiction issues.

I'd say most of the silent majority are aware of the settlement.
April 24th, 2023 at 8:33:53 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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“Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating Fox News personalities until a new host is named,” the network announced.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
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