What Movies Have You Seen Lately?

April 4th, 2023 at 3:01:19 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 53
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Quote: rxwine
I've not seen any of these yet.

A Few Hard Men
Grinding Nemo
Bat Dude and Throbbin
Turner & Cooch
Sleeping Booty
Everyone I Did Last Summer
Bi-Curious George
Add Momma to the Train
King Dong
Blown in 60 Seconds
Crocodile Blondee
Romeo in Juliet
Shaving Ryan’s Privates
Whore of the Rings
The Slutty Professor
In Diana Jones
The Good The Bed and The Snuggly
Sleeping with Seattle
Pulp Friction
Bum Fight at the OGay Corral
Malcolm XXX
Missionary Position: Impossible
40 Gays in 40 Nights
Homo Alone
I Dream of Weenie
Jurassic Pork
Yank My Doodle, It’s a Dandy!
Dawson’s Crack
Crocodile Done Me
Weapons of Ass Destruction
How I Wet Your Mother
The Devil Wears Nada
Forrest Hump
Game of Bones
Good Will Humping
Ocean’s 11 Inches
Inspect Her Gadget
Legally Boned
Naporneon Dynamite
Tiger’s Wood
Waiting to XXXhale
Men in Back
Saturday Night Beaver
White Men Can’t Hump
My Big Lebowski
Whorrey Potter and the Sorcerer’s Balls
One Blew Over Miss LuLu’s Chest
Beverly Hills, 9021-Ho!
You’ve Got Male
Wet Dreams on Elm Street

I would be impressed if you were able to watch all of those in the next 30 days or so.
At my age a Life In Prison sentence is not much of a detrrent.
April 22nd, 2023 at 4:25:17 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Though I do like some of the quirky Nicohlas Cage roles, I'm not sure "Renfield" is worth actual movie theater dollars based on reviews.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
April 22nd, 2023 at 7:29:42 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Quote: rxwine
Though I do like some of the quirky Nicohlas Cage roles, I'm not sure "Renfield" is worth actual movie theater dollars based on reviews.

I liked it!

It’s a silly, bloody good time.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
April 22nd, 2023 at 7:32:06 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Posts: 12840

Just got back from this.


I am at a loss for words.

One of those movies that 95% of audiences will actively despise. Extremely weird. 3 hours long. But damn if I wasn’t entertained (even if I had no idea what was happening or why it was happening at times).

Stay out of the attic!
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
April 23rd, 2023 at 3:53:34 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
Threads: 154
Posts: 5339
Quote: rxwine
Though I do like some of the quirky Nicohlas Cage roles, I'm not sure "Renfield" is worth actual movie theater dollars based on reviews.
what reviews have you wondering?

at rotten tomatoes, audiences liked it better than critics, nothing new there. Neither raved about it [56% vs 79]

I'll probably go see it or get a dvd [that will be available soon I bet] ... I usually like Cage, so have to see him as Count D. ... and also now have taken an interest in Awkwafina ... she can have a way of adding value that's a little hard to explain
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
May 8th, 2023 at 7:04:29 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 190
Posts: 19228
Watched the 1940 movie "Abe Lincoln in Illinois". It has a 70% audience rating but I would rate it higher than that. It was both character and story driven, and felt closer to realism than what I usually see in those era movies.

This little tidbit on IMDB, about Raymond Massey the lead actor as Lincoln.

After his success playing Lincoln in the film and on Broadway, Raymond Massey began to assume the character in real life. He often appeared at social gatherings dressed in Lincoln-esque attire, assuming a Lincoln-like manner and speech. His friend, the playwright George S. Kaufman, observed, "Massey won't be satisfied until someone assassinates him."
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
May 8th, 2023 at 7:11:39 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 14
Posts: 4530
Quote: rxwine
Watched the 1940 movie "Abe Lincoln in Illinois". It has a 70% audience rating but I would rate it higher than that. It was both character and story driven, and felt closer to realism than what I usually see in those era movies.

This little tidbit on IMDB, about Raymond Massey the lead actor as Lincoln.

Glad you appreciate our Canadian actors.
"but if you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you." Benjamin Franklin
May 26th, 2023 at 7:28:44 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Posts: 5339
watching 'the two jakes' again [1990]

boy is it loaded with great quotes!


Jake Gittes: I wouldn't extort a nickel from my worst enemy. That's where I draw the line.

Loach Jr.: Well, I'll tell you, Jake. I knew a whore once. For the right amount of money, she'd piss in a guy's face. But she wouldn't shit on his chest. You see, that's where she drew the line.

Jake Gittes: Well, Junior, all I can say is: I hope she wasn't too much of a disappointment to you.


Jake Gittes: I did my share of fighting in the war and even got a medal, but Lou lost a leg with the first Marines at Guadalcanal. He knows about regrets and how life doesn't give you a fair shake. You can't trust a guy who's never lost anything.


Khan: You are very successful.

Jake Gittes: Oh, I can't complain.

Khan: Does that mean you are happy?

Jake Gittes: Who can answer that question off the top of their head?

Khan: Anyone who's happy.

Jake Gittes: What I do for a living may not be very reputable... but I am. In this town I'm the leper with the most fingers.

Jake Gittes: You can follow the action, which gets you good pictures. You can follow your instincts, which'll probably get you in trouble. Or, you can follow the money, which nine times out of ten will get you closer to the truth.

Jake Berman: Where were we?

Jake Gittes: Well, I was accusing you of murder, Mr. Berman.

Jake Berman: Call me Jake.

Jake Gittes: We're talkin' about oil here, right, Ty?

Tyrone Otley: Obviously. Mr. Rawley believes there's oil under the subdivision. He's endangering hundreds of lives drilling under those homes, with all the seismic activity. He's whipstocking! Someone has got to stop him!

Jake Gittes: Well, I can't do that, Ty. Nobody can. Guys like Rawley don't get arrested; they get streets named after them. In this type of situation, it's best just to leave it alone. Rawley's stealin' from Berman. It's a big thief stealin' from a little thief. Who are we to quarrel?

Loach Jr.: Come on, Gittes. There you were, consorting with a known hoodlum under grand jury investigation... and known to be friendly with your client, Jake Berman.

Jake Gittes: So, what?

Loach Jr.: So, either you were doing business with Mickey, or, uh...

Jake Gittes: Or what?

Plainclothes Policeman: We got a vice officer who swears you approached him and fondled his privates in the men's room.

[Loach breaks out laughing]

Jake Gittes: [to Policeman] How was it for you?

Jake Gittes: [narrating] The city's different at night: the air smells better, it's harder to see that the oil rigs outnumber the palm tress; it's almost like the good old days, at least the way I'd like to remember them. But stay in this business long enough and every street leads to a place you'd like to forget, every case brings back memories of what you should have done & what might have been, and every skirt reminds you of another woman... or, if you've got it bad enough, the same woman.

Jake Gittes: Maybe I didn't tell the whole truth at the preliminary hearing, but there's one thing I learned about the truth... a little bit goes a long way.

Francis Hannah: Isn't it a fact, Mr. Gittes, that you're out on bail, having been arrested at the Green Parrot Bar & Grill?

Cotton Weinberger: Wait a minute. Your Honor, the witness has been CHARGED, not convicted.

Judge Alexander K. Dettmer: What's the charge?

Francis Hannah: The charge?

Judge Alexander K. Dettmer: YES. The charge.

Francis Hannah: Well, that, uh, Mr. Gittes was fondling... the private parts of a vice officer in the Men's Room of the Green Parrot Bar & Grill.

[gasps and laughter fill the court room]

Cotton Weinberger: Objection, Your Honor.

Judge Alexander K. Dettmer: I'm with you, Mr. Weinberger. I have NO idea what you thought you could do with this kind of evidence, Mr. Hannah. It certainly has no place in MY court room. Do yourself a favor. The next time, you be sure you've got a case. That's about it for this hearing.

Jake Gittes: Hell, everybody makes mistakes. But if you marry one, they expect you to pay for it for the rest of your life. I don't care whose fault it is, his, hers or the milkman's.

Jake Gittes: I should have been wise to Berman's hand-wringing act from the very beginning. It was as plain as the shoes on his feet.

Jake Berman: You know who else couldn't buy a house here? Me. I can build it and I can sell it, just as long as I don't move in next door. They don't want Mexicans or Jews around. Let me tell you something else. The customer is always right.

Jake Gittes: Honestly, I'm trying to be a gentleman about this. Now just, get down on your knees. Get down on your knees. Stick your ass up in the air. And don't move until I tell you. [consensual sex scene]

Walsh: Does that mean he wants you to prove your own client is guilty of murder?

Jake Gittes: Yeah.

Walsh: Well, 's that ethical?

Jake Gittes: Larry, he's a lawyer.

Jake Gittes: That's your problem kid. You don't know who you're kiddin'.

Jake Gittes: What business you got with Jake Berman?

Michael 'Mickey Nice' Weisskopf: Jake Berman is 100% legitimate.

Jake Gittes: What do you call legitimate?

Michael 'Mickey Nice' Weisskopf: I can tell YOU what I DON'T consider legitimate.

Jake Gittes: Must be a short list.

Michael 'Mickey Nice' Weisskopf: Blackmail.

Jake Gittes: I don't want to live in the past, Khan. I just don't want to lose it.

Jake Gittes: I'm used to seein' the intimate details of people's lives, but lookin' at a guy's x-rays is as intimate as it gets. It's the kind of thing most guys don't even tell their wives about.

[first lines]

Jake Gittes: I suppose it's fair to say infidelity made me what I am today.

Jake Gittes: So my client didn't level with me. Not exactly Movietone News. Cotton [a lawyer, see next] only tells one side in Court. Escobar [a cop] knows I don't tell him everything. When husbands and wives lie to each other, one of them comes to my office and lies to me. Frankly, if I waited for an honest client, I'd be sitting around until Rocky Graziano played Rachmaninoff at the Hollywood Bowl.

Jake Gittes: Cotton.

Cotton Weinberger: What?

Jake Gittes: Thank you. Fuck you.

Cotton Weinberger: Thank you, Jake. Always a pleasure doing business.

Jake Gittes: Memories are like that - as unpredictable as nitro, and you never know what's gonna set one off.

Jake Berman: What do you call four drowning Mexicans? Quattro sinko.

Jake Berman: I got a wife to protect.

Jake Gittes: Protect? You mean divorce, don't you?

Jake Berman: Yeah. That too. Yeah.

there's more at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100828/quotes/?ref_=tt_trv_qu
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
May 26th, 2023 at 9:42:14 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 23, 2021
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Posts: 3196
Stumbled across this previously unknown Finnish gem, watched it in the theater yesterday.

Hold on to your hats guys, "Sisu" pushes ALL the buttons.

May 26th, 2023 at 1:26:23 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
Threads: 154
Posts: 5339
Quote: missedhervee
Stumbled across this previously unknown Finnish gem, watched it in the theater yesterday.

Hold on to your hats guys, "Sisu" pushes ALL the buttons.

any trouble with "suspension of disbelief"? I can pull such suspension off with "super-hero" movies, sometimes, sometimes not. This one would test the limit for me [it would seem]
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]