BUD (the King of Beers)

May 25th, 2023 at 4:04:52 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler
I completely disagree, I feel that I progress further and faster by isolating (in an organization that I have zero connections or nepotism with). I feel like people think they will promote faster if they go out drinking with everyone, this is rarely the case. If you have the numbers and no connections, it's much easier to be put in a position where they know you don't care about upsetting people.

Keep thinking that. You will keep working, but promotions will be rare to never. And when you need help to get something done you will be just a number to them.

People think connections are everything, but they don't realize not having connections or personal care about people can be just as powerful of an asset.

They are not "everything" but they are the difference between getting things done and doing many times the work to get things done. Being able to say "I know a guy" is a great thing. People help people they like more than strangers. Knowing how to be social helps get people to like you. It is not about "going out drinking with them, not in the USA. But note that in places like Japan that is near required. Why? The Japanese know the importance of being social with each other.
The President is a fink.
May 25th, 2023 at 5:54:28 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: Gandler
And, what would you solution be to trans-women (because let's be real, it is far easier for a women who transition from a man to live their life, even their sex life, without ever brining up their past than the other way)? Should women who transitioned from being a man have to identify on all dating app? At all first dates? Before marriage? What if their view is they are a woman, and bringing up their past is a violation of living their best life?

I would imagine asking a woman if she transitioned on a first date is a great way to quickly end the date regardless of if she did or not....

It depends, doesn't it?

It's a pretty simple question from an equality standpoint---either everyone has to enter something for gender, which probably requires an, "Other (Please Specify)," box at this point, or nobody has to enter anything for gender. I certainly don't see the harm in requiring entry for this, and certainly, someone inclined to lie would still be able to do so, so I don't see the problem.

I don't understand the last question of the first paragraph. If the person they are failing to disclose the past to would prefer not to have sexual intercourse with a transwoman and the transwoman does not disclose, then how would the transwoman not be violating the other person's right to live their, "Best life?"

I've seen pictures of the dating app conversations because I follow a few people on the book of faces and she posts the funny ones, sometimes. She has no shortage of callers, despite making it known that she is a transwoman. I don't know how to say it politely, so I'm just going to say it: Despite having both surgeries that often go along with transitioning...she's...ah...not the most feminine looking woman out there, to say the least. I don't even think she necessarily always tries to be especially feminine looking, tbh; she's certainly not required to do so.

But, the point is, she's upfront about it and has no shortage of callers.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 25th, 2023 at 6:12:04 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Another thing that I should mention is that society, namely the Far Left, has now decided we should have any possible number of genders.

Furthermore, transexual has become a gender identity, unto itself. They even have pride and everything!

I don't know if it's for better or worse, but if you go back 10, or maybe a few more, years ago---the goal for transexual people often seemed to be to simply adhere to the binary and become perceived as the gender opposite the one they were born as. Honestly, I think you would have a much better argument if that were still the case.

If you still had a gender binary with trans not being considered its own thing (as well as the other 1,492 genders), then you could make the argument that having to disclose they are not naturally a woman (or man) is unfair to them.

But, trans man/woman is, evidently, a valid gender now. There are many other valid genders and, from what I have read, all of the non-trans, but still not binary, ones are included in these counts of trans individuals.

One example I've read now is someone, for instance, could say they are, "Female-aligned non-binary." What that means is that the person is, evidently, not a woman, but they are closer to being a woman than they are to being a man. If you ask me, the person is simply saying that they are a female who has some masculine traits. Don't even get me started on gender-fluid because, if female-aligned non-binary is not absurd enough for you---look out!!!

Going back to my college Sociology class from forever ago, we were taught, at that time, that gender exists on a spectrum. At the time, we acknowledged that some men are more masculine, and have more masculine traits, than others---the same thing with women.

That's really the same thing as non-binary, at least, in the sense that non-trans people identify as non-binary.

It also bears mentioning that we acknowledged, again, that almost nobody has 100% masculine, or 100% feminine, traits. If anybody does, then it's very few people.

I would just as soon gender be basically irrelevant because, in the real world, it is in most contexts. I also think sexuality is largely irrelevant and really don't care to hear about it. I have encountered a few people that will tell you about these things, but not many. The way I see it---unless I plan to attempt to have sex with someone, both their gender and sexuality are totally irrelevant to me---and I've been in a monogamous relationship going on nine years, so there you go.

By irrelevant, I also mean that I don't care for other people telling me about their gender...unless they can do so in one word...and I don't care to hear about their sexuality at all. It's just immaterial in almost every real world interaction.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 25th, 2023 at 11:45:55 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
Quote: Mission146
Another thing that I should mention is that society, namely the Far Left, has now decided we should have any possible number of genders.

Furthermore, transexual has become a gender identity, unto itself. They even have pride and everything!

I don't know if it's for better or worse, but if you go back 10, or maybe a few more, years ago---the goal for transexual people often seemed to be to simply adhere to the binary and become perceived as the gender opposite the one they were born as. Honestly, I think you would have a much better argument if that were still the case.

If you still had a gender binary with trans not being considered its own thing (as well as the other 1,492 genders), then you could make the argument that having to disclose they are not naturally a woman (or man) is unfair to them.

But, trans man/woman is, evidently, a valid gender now. There are many other valid genders and, from what I have read, all of the non-trans, but still not binary, ones are included in these counts of trans individuals.

One example I've read now is someone, for instance, could say they are, "Female-aligned non-binary." What that means is that the person is, evidently, not a woman, but they are closer to being a woman than they are to being a man. If you ask me, the person is simply saying that they are a female who has some masculine traits. Don't even get me started on gender-fluid because, if female-aligned non-binary is not absurd enough for you---look out!!!

Going back to my college Sociology class from forever ago, we were taught, at that time, that gender exists on a spectrum. At the time, we acknowledged that some men are more masculine, and have more masculine traits, than others---the same thing with women.

That's really the same thing as non-binary, at least, in the sense that non-trans people identify as non-binary.

It also bears mentioning that we acknowledged, again, that almost nobody has 100% masculine, or 100% feminine, traits. If anybody does, then it's very few people.

I would just as soon gender be basically irrelevant because, in the real world, it is in most contexts. I also think sexuality is largely irrelevant and really don't care to hear about it. I have encountered a few people that will tell you about these things, but not many. The way I see it---unless I plan to attempt to have sex with someone, both their gender and sexuality are totally irrelevant to me---and I've been in a monogamous relationship going on nine years, so there you go.

By irrelevant, I also mean that I don't care for other people telling me about their gender...unless they can do so in one word...and I don't care to hear about their sexuality at all. It's just immaterial in almost every real world interaction.

What about your kids and this environment?

Does it bother you?
May 25th, 2023 at 12:02:20 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Threads: 27
Posts: 4335
Quote: Mission146
It depends, doesn't it?

It's a pretty simple question from an equality standpoint---either everyone has to enter something for gender, which probably requires an, "Other (Please Specify)," box at this point, or nobody has to enter anything for gender. I certainly don't see the harm in requiring entry for this, and certainly, someone inclined to lie would still be able to do so, so I don't see the problem.

I don't understand the last question of the first paragraph. If the person they are failing to disclose the past to would prefer not to have sexual intercourse with a transwoman and the transwoman does not disclose, then how would the transwoman not be violating the other person's right to live their, "Best life?"

I've seen pictures of the dating app conversations because I follow a few people on the book of faces and she posts the funny ones, sometimes. She has no shortage of callers, despite making it known that she is a transwoman. I don't know how to say it politely, so I'm just going to say it: Despite having both surgeries that often go along with transitioning...she's...ah...not the most feminine looking woman out there, to say the least. I don't even think she necessarily always tries to be especially feminine looking, tbh; she's certainly not required to do so.

But, the point is, she's upfront about it and has no shortage of callers.

No, I am not saying they should lie. If asked directly you should be honest. But, they should not have to disclose being trans at every interaction. Some people are trying to avoid thinking of their past life.

Every dating app I have used has a place to enter your gender (it's often up to the user if they want it visible or not), I usually do as it's simply "male". I don't know if requiring it matters, because like you said it's so easy to lie for those inclined to do so.
May 25th, 2023 at 12:07:56 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Back in the day “Tom boy” was used to signify girls who liked to act more like boys. I remember it caused massive gender confusion. Their parents were rounded up and shot.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
May 26th, 2023 at 5:26:55 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
That's not what I recall.

I had a couple of female friends that played games with the males.

But I don't recall having any male friends that played with the females.
May 26th, 2023 at 5:58:08 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: DoubleGold
What about your kids and this environment?

Does it bother you?

"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 26th, 2023 at 6:04:12 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: Gandler
No, I am not saying they should lie. If asked directly you should be honest. But, they should not have to disclose being trans at every interaction. Some people are trying to avoid thinking of their past life.

Every dating app I have used has a place to enter your gender (it's often up to the user if they want it visible or not), I usually do as it's simply "male". I don't know if requiring it matters, because like you said it's so easy to lie for those inclined to do so.

I agree with that and see no reason for them to do so. However, when we're talking about interactions for sexual purposes, or that could lead to sexual intercourse, I think that would be an appropriate context in which they should probably disclose as early as practicable.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 26th, 2023 at 6:05:44 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: DoubleGold
That's not what I recall.

I had a couple of female friends that played games with the males.

But I don't recall having any male friends that played with the females.

Ummm....if the females played with the males, then the males were also playing with the females.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman