BUD (the King of Beers)

May 24th, 2023 at 6:20:57 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: DoubleGold
Any action that offends a majority or minority could be wrong.

If the action is wrong, then it's not sustainable.

Do you notice how, 'Sustainable,' and, 'Discrimination,' are two different words?
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 24th, 2023 at 6:30:51 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Here's another example of reverse discrimination that just hit the wires.

It's a little tougher to understand than discrimination unless it's experienced.


Parents Sue Elite Schools For 'Indoctrinating' Their Kids With DEI 'Bait And Switch'

MAY 23, 2023
The issue - which has become a major point of contention in red states such as Florida, where governor Ron DeSantis (R) has fought to ban DEI in public schools - has now become a nationwide effort by concerned parents to protect their children from what they see as a racist education that makes white students a lifelong target, and uses historical revisionism to sow seeds of division.

May 24th, 2023 at 6:33:46 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: Mission146
Do you notice how, 'Sustainable,' and, 'Discrimination,' are two different words?


Both discrimination and reverse discrimination are wrong and not sustainable.
May 24th, 2023 at 6:43:58 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Mission146
I think Gandler is talking about what should be, not what is the case.

How was your weekend?---None of your business.

Did you like the game last night?---That is not work-related.

My advice in the current climate is to quit making, 'Work friends,' with people. Much like you say about engendering yourself (heh) to a transexual individual, I would actually extrapolate on that and suggest that interacting with people in the (physical) work environment always has a greater potential for negative than it does for positive results.

Best case scenario-I have a friend. So what? I can get those elsewhere.

"Work friends" are going to happen. For example, one guy who was in my office until promoted we got along. I asked him training questions at first as he had the same I will call it "mentality" for want of a better word. I asked him about the math on calculating wins. He got like a few words into his explanation and I got it instant. The woman who was my official trainer in fact told me to ask him certain questions as he was just better at those subjects. Now, from that we started discussing more general things, usually but not always directly related to work. I still see him in the hall and still chat time to time. Well, he has a new boss who is a cool guy who I will also chat with. It's called "networking." And is normal for the office.

Woman sits behind me more an "unofficial" trainer. We chat a little on non-work things because we just get along and sit close. I mean, not much more than "so, getting settled into your new place" type stuff. But it is normal at work to have a few people you talk to like that. But that being said, there are some types I do not chat up that way as I can see potential for bad things to happen.

Do you know what I call someone who makes unfounded complaints to management? "Fired." Most women in the office aren't there to connive and try to drum up bogus HR complaints. What benefit is there getting someone terminated?

Get this one. Falls under "I know a guy who knows this guy" for where it happened. But guy gets complained on by a woman in the office because he would NOT talk anything but business to her! Said she "felt threatened" by it. Some offices have the type who will make bogus complaints. It is some kind of little game for some people. I once had some women made a borderline sexual harassment complaint to me. My boss wanted to fire the guy almost without investigation! When I did investigate and they saw the dangerous game they were playing their complaint went away.
The President is a fink.
May 24th, 2023 at 6:56:01 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: AZDuffman
What kind of office do you work at? People talk non-business at the office all the time. How was your weekend? Did you like the game last night? It is normal. Not everyone chats with everyone, you make "work friends" and that is who you more talk to.

But there are people you shy away from. Some you get along with and some you do not. Some you have little common interest with outside work. Sometimes there are people who are just trouble like the woman looking to be offended and run to HR. Those you do not talk about anything but work.

Take away from it? It would make me want to throw up at the least. I would never want to see them or hear from them again. I would be sick about it for some time.

I have heard about that and honestly I would probably vote to acquit them. The transitioned woman man should tell any guy who she they want to get involved with that they are a guy who had surgery before any suggestion of intimacy. I would be in favor of requiring it on dating sites. I would be in favor of a law where if they did not disclose it and it became the reason for divorce the trans gets $0 in the settlement.

People do talk about lots of things that they should not.

If you did not feel sick at the time, and did not find out until a month later, why would it make you feel sick?
May 24th, 2023 at 7:02:53 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Mission146
No. If they are interested in men, then they should tell the truth and copulate with the men who wish to be with them.

Requiring people to reveal everything potentially negative before a relationship vs some penalty other than breaking it off? Interesting, but of course, plenty of straight people don't follow that either and probably don't want to be bound by that.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
May 24th, 2023 at 7:03:27 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 135
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Quote: Gandler

If you did not feel sick at the time, and did not find out until a month later, why would it make you feel sick?


1. I am not gay
2. I would have found I had just been with another guy
3. The idea of going with another guy is disgusting to me
The President is a fink.
May 24th, 2023 at 7:20:24 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 4147
Quote: AZDuffman
"Work friends" are going to happen. For example, one guy who was in my office until promoted we got along. I asked him training questions at first as he had the same I will call it "mentality" for want of a better word. I asked him about the math on calculating wins. He got like a few words into his explanation and I got it instant. The woman who was my official trainer in fact told me to ask him certain questions as he was just better at those subjects. Now, from that we started discussing more general things, usually but not always directly related to work. I still see him in the hall and still chat time to time. Well, he has a new boss who is a cool guy who I will also chat with. It's called "networking." And is normal for the office.

Woman sits behind me more an "unofficial" trainer. We chat a little on non-work things because we just get along and sit close. I mean, not much more than "so, getting settled into your new place" type stuff. But it is normal at work to have a few people you talk to like that. But that being said, there are some types I do not chat up that way as I can see potential for bad things to happen.

Get this one. Falls under "I know a guy who knows this guy" for where it happened. But guy gets complained on by a woman in the office because he would NOT talk anything but business to her! Said she "felt threatened" by it. Some offices have the type who will make bogus complaints. It is some kind of little game for some people. I once had some women made a borderline sexual harassment complaint to me. My boss wanted to fire the guy almost without investigation! When I did investigate and they saw the dangerous game they were playing their complaint went away.

"Sex before marriage," is going to happen.

You see how easy that is?

You can't take an argument and have it be acceptable counter-argument for one activity, but not another activity.

You guys feel free to, 'Network,' all you want. I will not do it if I work a traditional (and physically located) job in today's climate. I will refuse to answer all questions that are not specifically related to work; I don't care what they are.

They could pull me into HR for that. My response would be, "So, I'm in here for keeping things strictly business? Are we done here and I can go back on the floor, or would you prefer I sue the company, instead? I assure you, this behavior will not change. My recommendation is to tell her not to attempt to discuss anything not related to business with me."
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 24th, 2023 at 7:23:11 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: DoubleGold

Both discrimination and reverse discrimination are wrong and not sustainable.

I agree with that, but you have pointed to no instance of discrimination, of any kind, as most people would use the word. Having a spokesperson that is (insert type of person) does not discriminate, or reverse discriminate, against anyone. The only exception to that would be if you exclusively only had (type of person) as a spokesperson.

Don't even give me the population representative argument. You're going to get blocked and I might be one of the only people who actually responds to you. If there are more than zero (but still a low percentage) transpeople, which I think we can agree to, then having exactly one trans spokesperson is, essentially, just as representative as having zero.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
May 24th, 2023 at 7:25:38 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: rxwine
Requiring people to reveal everything potentially negative before a relationship vs some penalty other than breaking it off? Interesting, but of course, plenty of straight people don't follow that either and probably don't want to be bound by that.

I mean, I would assume that my partners have been aware that I am a heterosexual and am male both by birth and gender. If not, they could have asked and I'd certainly tell them those things.

I also find it interesting that you would attach a stigmata to being transgendered as, "Revealing everything negative." It shouldn't be seen as a negative, but rather, as a relatively neutral fact about someone.

You're a guy, right? I am not gay. I would not date you. I would not have sex with you. I do not see you being a guy as a negative.

I do not see a transperson being trans as a negative about them or something that speaks negatively to the content of their character; I simply do not wish to have sex with individuals who are transpeople.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman