Terrible, horrible attack in Paris

December 1st, 2015 at 2:58:55 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: boymimbo

There is nothing to see here unless you're a racist who wants to put unrelated figures together and link it to Muslim immigration.

There is plenty to see if you take off the sunglasses of multiculturalism and open your eyes!

So, what about all the other links in the story about the other countries in Europe? What about the kid raping the old woman, just another reporting snafu? And all the others?

Plenty to see here. Starting with the idea that you are somehow a "racist" if you point it out.

Time to add AZD's Corollary to the old Goodwins Law, "the side that charges 'racism' is losing the discussion on its merits." Might need to fine-tune it, but that is the case.

Denunked? Hardly.
The President is a fink.
December 1st, 2015 at 5:26:00 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 25, 2013
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Awesome. Now we're getting somewhere. Yes, Bob, Sweden has changed the definition of rape. Just like Canada's definition of kidnapping is different than anywhere else. You can look at dissenting views all over the internet. The thing is that the xenophobic view doesn't stand up to scrutiny, you know, like reincarnation, which you refuse to talk about.

Quote: dictionary.com
racism: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

AZ: Can you tell me that your description of Muslims has not fit this definition?

What about the kid raping the woman? You said it yourself - you can't take a single incident to characterize an entire race. When you take a story that is already biased far right and support it with stories that are also biased far right or a collection of single incidences to support your claim while ignoring actual studies of much larger populations and all of the crime perpetrated by non-Muslims and it all adds up to xenophobic bull.

If you want me to debunk every other reference in your post, I will. This will take time. But Sweden is the biggest claim of them all and those claims have been shown to be false.

Muslims are indeed able to live side by side in countries with other religions. They do today.

That said - there exists indeed a small section of the Muslim population who are intent on destroying the West and treating their women like crap. Mainstream Islam has denounced their portion of the population, but of course, like a few fundamentalist Christian Churches which foster hate, there are people (like Trump not ruling out a database of Muslims, or Nareed's view of Christians overall) who will characterize the entire religion and their people as bad.

I don't mind it if you characterize fundamentalist Islam for what they are. But the rest of the religion is just fine. They may be different then us Santa Claus believing white-bread Christians, but it only makes them different, not worse.

Have at it, boys.
December 1st, 2015 at 7:23:26 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: boymimbo
Mainstream Islam has denounced their portion of the population, but of course, like a few fundamentalist Christian Churches which foster hate, there are people (like Trump not ruling out a database of Muslims, or Nareed's view of Christians overall) who will characterize the entire religion and their people as bad.

My take is that Christians are so concerned with the mote in the nonbeliever's eye, that they ignore the beam in theirs. Further that this is not a bug in their system, but a feature. This makes the moderate Christian churches ever more incompatible with modern civil society.

Also, Christian tolerance among other believers boils down to "We both serve God. You in your way and I in His."

This should really concern people.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
December 1st, 2015 at 7:36:35 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 25, 2013
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Okay, let the debunking occur:

Quote: Carol Brown
Rape of infidel women is part of Islamic law and Islamic tradition.

Analysis of the link shows that during jihad only, the law supports the raping of non-believers. Therefore, for a Muslim to believe that rape is okay, he must also recognize the call of holy war, or jihad, which has been made by Al Q'aeda and ISIS. Therefore, this claim is true of fundamentalist Islamists only.

Quote: Carol Brown
From 1975 to present, rape in Sweden has increased 1472%

True. Reported "rape" has increased. I spoke about this earlier. Note that despite the increase in reporting, the number of convictions in Sweden (about 190 per year) has not changed in the past 10 years. The definition of rape in Sweden changed in 2005 to not include sexual intercourse and to include passive cases (where the woman was asleep or intoxicated) as rape.

Sweden's own explanation of its statistics

Okay, on to the list of other links:

First one

This is a blogger. Who cares. However the story that he is basing his report on is one by Ingrid Carlqvist, which is a link to the Gatestone story. What is significant is that the number of immigrants being admitted relative to the population is quite high. It would be like admitting 6.4 million immigrants into the United States every year. And this number is significant. It generates fear within the native Norwegian population who are scared. And to be frank, if 2% of my population growth (in Canada this would be 680,000 refugees) came from refugees and were moving into an asylum house in my neighborhood, I would be alarmed too. Canada is admitting 25,000; the US less. However, the linkage between violent crime and the refugees has not been established in Sweden. That said, it would be natural to be fearful of a large influx of unemployed labor and a forced cultural change that Sweden is experiencing.

Next: You tube video This is just some guy rambling. Ignored.

I will continue as time permits.
December 1st, 2015 at 10:59:35 AM permalink
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Quote: AZDuffman
From the link; Based on this model, it is now projected that one in four Swedish women (and sometimes little girls) will be raped. Rape of men and boys is also on the rise. It might be interesting if the "model" distinguished between the targeted rape victims. I bring this up again because, I was told at an early age that men from that part of the world actually preferred boys to women, just personal curiosity, not interest.

Also not to lessen the misery, a side note: http://jezebel.com/5705430/wikileaks-julian-assange-is-now-not-accused-of-rape-updated?trending_test_two_b&utm_expid=66866090-68.FLd2bbXWSVeOIUIrpr9Fmw.2&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F

Julian Assange [Wikileaks] was accused of rape [in Sweden] a week later, by 2 prostitutes who willingly engaged in sex, but later determined it was "rape" because he had removed his condom. I read recently those charges have been changed.

Nobody claimed otherwise, but somehow I knew that would be your reaction. Jews rape also. So do gays.
Rape or predation is a horrible act of violence, especially when carried out on children. http://www.vice.com/read/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11. As you have mentioned before, these molesters were well known to the children. We also know that much of the child molesting/rape of boys in the Catholic church as well, is swept under the rug, tolls and fines and pay outs are not made public.

People need to be more aware of adults that are often alone with children. This industrial scale child rape seems more and more often to be committed by religious leaders, regardless of "faith".

Don't forget next door to Sweden in 2011 "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/apr/14/breivik-trial-norway-mass-murderer" as he walked through the crowd ranting anti-Islamic tyrade and murdered 77 people.

This blowback happening in Europe right now is a direct result of the Wolfowitz Doctrine of destabilization in the mid-east. The strategists for the neo-cons knew this would be a result and bombed the mid east Islamic centric countries back into the stone age. Is it a surprise that these escapees who are of that age group, [the most physically able to abandon their historical homelands], with no hope, job or future turn to all manner of crime, including rape?

Did you not think this would happen when the plan to destabilize the mid east was carried out?

Think of an old cargo ship that sinks near shore, all the rats escape to whatever floats. In this case it is Europe. The neo cons sunk the ship. Be horrified, be blatant, religious intolerant, but accept culpability in the horror that is coming. Those people stayed home for hundreds of years, this is a direct result of neo-con policy.

Turkey just [ in chess parlance] with western mic permission, handed Putin "the queen", when Erdogen shot down the Russian jet. Russia has already set up missile defense batteries, and has the rights to seize all ISIS ships carrying crude oil.

This was a game changing blunder.

However, if you read the article you will see that muslim-on-western women rape is a major and increasing problem in Europe. Better to not import the problem here.
The only reason the mass exodus of homeless, directionless escapees went to Europe is because of logistics. Its all part of the "grand chessboard plan" between east and west. There will be casualties. http://www.amazon.com/The-Grand-Chessboard-Geostrategic-Imperatives/dp/0465027261

Article has more cites than any article I can remember seeing, btw. Just more of what I am saying about islam cannot live side-by-side in a Western country no matter how many nice muslims you want to keep telling us you knew.
Not only living side by side for millenia, fighting side by side against ISIS; http://www.christianpost.com/news/they-accept-us-as-we-are-christians-join-forces-with-muslim-group-hezbollah-to-fight-isis-in-lebanon-138975/

Also this : http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/22129
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
December 1st, 2015 at 11:59:51 AM permalink
Member since: Mar 25, 2013
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Quote: petroglyph
Julian Assange [Wikileaks] was accused of rape [in Sweden] a week later, by 2 prostitutes who willingly engaged in sex, but later determined it was "rape" because he had removed his condom. I read recently those charges have been changed.

Note: in Sweden, this is reported by police as rape, and not anywhere else in the world. Thank you.

Don't forget next door to Sweden in 2011 "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/apr/14/breivik-trial-norway-mass-murderer" as he walked through the crowd ranting anti-Islamic tyrade and murdered 77 people.

Oh yeah, thanks again.

This blowback happening in Europe right now is a direct result of the Wolfowitz Doctrine of destabilization in the mid-east. The strategists for the neo-cons knew this would be a result and bombed the mid east Islamic centric countries back into the stone age. Is it a surprise that these escapees who are of that age group, [the most physically able to abandon their historical homelands], with no hope, job or future turn to all manner of crime, including rape?

Except that they don't. Violent crime in Sweden is *down*. Neocons are taking this statistic and linking it wrongly to immigration.

This was a game changing blunder.

Disagree. We shall see how it carries out.

The only reason the mass exodus of homeless, directionless escapees went to Europe is because of logistics. Its all part of the "grand chessboard plan" between east and west. There will be casualties. http://www.amazon.com/The-Grand-Chessboard-Geostrategic-Imperatives/dp/0465027261

Not sure whether it was planned or not, but certainly it is a consequence of different sides supporting and opposing the leader of Syria/Iran.
December 1st, 2015 at 12:55:37 PM permalink
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The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
December 1st, 2015 at 1:06:46 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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A muslim is a heroe in the Paris arracks
Salim Toorabally prevented one on the suicide bombers from entering the stadium

The reality is this guard represents most muslims rather then the terrorists that represent the small number of extremists
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
December 1st, 2015 at 2:49:09 PM permalink
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Where can they go that isn't being bombed?
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
December 1st, 2015 at 3:38:40 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 135
Posts: 18217
Quote: boymimbo

racism: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

AZ: Can you tell me that your description of Muslims has not fit this definition?

If you must, I am not calling to dominate, I am calling for separation because as we see, muslims cannot live side by side with another culture. The reality is that when you have a country with too many large minorities you get a unstable society. Has been called "melting pot on a cold fire" and is not a place you want to live. Think the Balkan region for one.

But the other thing is this, I do not care if it sounds "racist." There are many worse things to be. Most societies have some kind of "racist" policies. Canada demands a certain amount of broadcast time for Canadians. Mexico will not allow foreigners to own land near the border or coast. Japan bans non-Japanese from many baths. It happens and really, I do not care.

What about the kid raping the woman? You said it yourself - you can't take a single incident to characterize an entire race. When you take a story that is already biased far right and support it with stories that are also biased far right or a collection of single incidences to support your claim while ignoring actual studies of much larger populations and all of the crime perpetrated by non-Muslims and it all adds up to xenophobic bull.

No, you cannot judge by one incident. I am not, I am going by large-scale historical muslim behavior, which is violent from the very beginnings of the spread of islam. Non-believers had to pay a 50% tax, convert, or die. It goes on today, try and take a Bible to Saudi Arabia, see what happens to you.

If you want me to debunk every other reference in your post, I will. This will take time. But Sweden is the biggest claim of them all and those claims have been shown to be false.

Muslims are indeed able to live side by side in countries with other religions. They do today.

No need as I will just reply with more examples. As to the "side by side" they really do not. They ghettoize into zones where outsiders dare not go.

Here are some nice muslims living peacefully side-by-side with non-muslims in London! You want this in your neighborhood?

The President is a fink.