The Coronavirus thread

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July 16th, 2021 at 8:52:39 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 4147
Quote: AZDuffman
If it did we would be called racist. USA once prohibited HIV positive entry, until the SJWs got on the feds and they relaxed it. We do not even prohibit pregnant women entering which allows for birth tourism.

"We do not even?" Assuming that I'm in favor of opening the borders, which I am, why would I want pregnant women to be prohibited from entering?

I don't think requiring MMR to enter the country should be considered racist. Just because entry is otherwise mostly uninhibited doesn't mean that we shouldn't get to care about the public health, in this hypothetical.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
July 16th, 2021 at 8:56:06 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Aside from that, if it becomes like the flu coronavirus vaccine, people won't be able to get a revised vaccination for new strain right away whenever they get cancer or scheduled for transplant. They'll likely issue it seasonally.

And transplants are a permanent condition as far as suppressing the normal immune response.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
July 16th, 2021 at 8:58:43 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Mission146
"We do not even?" Assuming that I'm in favor of opening the borders, which I am, why would I want pregnant women to be prohibited from entering?

I don't think requiring MMR to enter the country should be considered racist. Just because entry is otherwise mostly uninhibited doesn't mean that we shouldn't get to care about the public health, in this hypothetical.

Also, aren't you the one who is worried about the U.S. fertility rate and declining population?

"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
July 16th, 2021 at 9:06:22 AM permalink
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Quote: rxwine

Everything that you posted says less antibodies so likely less effective. Nothing you posted says higher risk from the vaccine. So do you want 50% protection or 0%. For you to be consistent with your position then you should be promoting everyone to get the vaccine. If you are leaving certain people out then you are just an antivaxer that picked a different point to draw the line.
"but if you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you." Benjamin Franklin
July 16th, 2021 at 9:09:01 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: kenarman
Everything that you posted says less antibodies so likely less effective. Nothing you posted says higher risk from the vaccine. So do you want 50% protection or 0%. For you to be consistent with your position then you should be promoting everyone to get the vaccine. If you are leaving certain people out then you are just an antivaxer that picked a different point to draw the line.

Your sophistry is showing.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
July 16th, 2021 at 9:22:26 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: JCW09
Sorry, it isn't the same reason.
Measles & Smallpox vaccines are not being delivered on an emergency only/not completely tested basis.
These vaccines are definitively safe for the long term.
We don't know that with Covid Vaccine.
I believe it is safe, but until FDA approves it for non-emergency use, this is an experimental vaccine.
Everyone evaluates their risk factors of bad outcomes of getting infected against potential/unknown long term risks of vaccine
And makes a decision that is right for them.
If I had a child under 18, based on the real stats/chances of bad outcome if catching the virus,
I would be waiting on getting them vaccinated until we have more long data on the vaccine.
Again, you're protected if you're vaccinated according to the "science".
All the fear mongering over variants has been wrong to this point.
How much mutation has happened over the last 18 months?
If we don't have a problem with a variant beating the vaccine at this point,
I highly doubt we'll get one. Just like you highly doubt there are any long term risks with the vaccine.
So get out of people's lives, get your vaccine so you're protected & move on with your life.
Herd immunity will be achieved through the combination of vaccines & the non-immunized recovering.
If you can't get the vaccine, you should stay in lock down. You're vulnerabilities are not the public at large's problem.

Oh I feel very protected, and I don't want the government to mandate it. Though I support private buisneses being able to mandate it as they feel....

But, I am going to use my free speech to mock people who do not get the vaccine (especially people I know for religious reasons which is beyond idiotic), if you are going to openly boast about not being vaxxed, I am going to openly call them a moron. I will never be the one to bring it up, but if you start talking about vaccine conspiracies I won't hold my tongue for long (and I have been this way Pre-Covid, even with my family, this just brings the issue to the forefront).

Like, I said, for me it's long over, have not carried a mask in months, some stores will ask me to mask or leave so I politely leave and go elsewhere, I don't cause a scene.... I have not worried about it in some time.... I do have to fly in the coming weeks, and I know I will have to mask in the plane, but this is not avoidable, so I will follow the rules and mask, and be very polite to the flight attendants.
July 16th, 2021 at 9:31:05 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Mission146
"We do not even?" Assuming that I'm in favor of opening the borders, which I am, why would I want pregnant women to be prohibited from entering?

Because the baby gets citizenship. Then they go back home and the baby qualifies for handouts to citizens. Or gets radicalized and is allowed to return as a USA hating adult.

Simple security says no pregnant women allowed until we correct citizenship to people born here to at least 1 citizen parent.
The President is a fink.
July 16th, 2021 at 9:41:23 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler
Oh I feel very protected, and I don't want the government to mandate it. Though I support private buisneses being able to mandate it as they feel....

What do you think about the legality of the government mandating it?

For instance what if the disease was much worse, more mortality?

I'm pretty sure there'd be blood in the streets from many of the same people who say the government can't force you to take it. (From those same people gunning people down who say they refuse to take it.)

That's based on the premise that some newer infectious diseases were progressively rated worse, the "rights" outcry would also get progressively quiet. I don't know where that would start. 10% deadly, 15%, 30%? Add in something like smallpox effects to survivors and besides death, survivors end up with horrible disfigurement even when they live.

Wouldn't be surprised if some of the flipfloppers would then argue, well, I don't believe in forcing it if it was just me, but I have to protect my family from dying, or some similar excuse. Then machine gun their neighbors who are recaltrant all done un=ironically.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
July 16th, 2021 at 9:59:50 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
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Posts: 1513
Quote: kenarman
Why do you have cancer patients listed above? "The government is rolling out a 3-phase plan to vaccinate people in Ontario. People with cancer can get the vaccine in Phase 2 of the plan. People with cancer should get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they are able."

Ditto on immune compromised. "Public health experts and doctors want most people with autoimmune conditions, who are immunocompromised, or who take immunosuppressant medication to get a COVID-19 vaccine."

You are no different than an antivaxer just picking and choosing your own rules on your own comfort level.
Maybe a difference between UK and US and Canada advice. Cancer patients and severely imuno compromised are here are advised that they should get the vaccine but
A weakened immune system means it might not work as normal and so it can't protect the body against infections.

So, having the vaccines with a weakened immune system may cause the body to not have a full antibody response. As a result, it might not create enough antibodies to give protection against the virus.

This means that people who are clinically extremely vulnerable (having a weakened immune system) should continue to follow advice on protecting themselves and reducing their risk of infection after they've had the vaccine.
July 16th, 2021 at 10:09:25 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
Threads: 11
Posts: 1513
Quote: kenarman
Everything that you posted says less antibodies so likely less effective. Nothing you posted says higher risk from the vaccine. So do you want 50% protection or 0%. For you to be consistent with your position then you should be promoting everyone to get the vaccine. If you are leaving certain people out then you are just an antivaxer that picked a different point to draw the line.
Well, I DO encourage everyone eligible to get the vaccine, subject to medical advice. My wife had to briefly discontinue imune suppressant medication for the weeks either side vaccination. She new that skipping her regular meds was an issue, of itself, and she was advised not to expect to be fully protected by the vaccine. It was all about compromise.