The Biden Presidency 2023

September 10th, 2023 at 1:58:52 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Quote: GenoDRPh
I was neither lying or mistaken. I stand by my statements that, as President, Trump called certain White Supremacists fine people, and that he cozied up to White Supremacists both during and after his Presidency.
Qualifying word 'certain' inserted here I see

Well I think it is true for 'certain' people that anyone who was in favor of leaving the statues in place was a White Supremacist. This is one reason the media ran with it ... ran with this claim you are repeating. I would guess that of the media in that press conference, literally 100% of them would say they believed that all wanting the statues to stay were exactly that. So to them, and I guess you, it made no sense to try to find any 'fine people' anywhere amongst the keep-statue crowd once that man killed the woman.

As for his relationship with radical right wingers, I agree he had a strange thing going there, one that finally bit him in the butt. He seems unable to criticize any group that likes him, having some sort of instinct about it, not one a normal politician would have.
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
September 10th, 2023 at 2:36:39 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: GenoDRPh
John Kerry was not President at the time the question was asked.

BLM is racist? Do they exclude whites as members of local organizations? Do they have the equivalent of a 14 word slogan?

Would a group called White Lives Matter be tagged as racist or not?

We know it would.

Thus BLM is racist.

End of story.
The President is a fink.
September 10th, 2023 at 2:50:40 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: odiousgambit
Qualifying word 'certain' inserted here I see

Well I think it is true for 'certain' people that anyone who was in favor of leaving the statues in place was a White Supremacist. This is one reason the media ran with it ... ran with this claim you are repeating. I would guess that of the media in that press conference, literally 100% of them would say they believed that all wanting the statues to stay were exactly that. So to them, and I guess you, it made no sense to try to find any 'fine people' anywhere amongst the keep-statue crowd once that man killed the woman.

Sometime around 2015ish "racism" got replaced with "white supremacy" as something to tag a person with. Calling someone a racist does not carry as much weight now because it was so over-used. So the people using it upped things.

As for his relationship with radical right wingers, I agree he had a strange thing going there, one that finally bit him in the butt. He seems unable to criticize any group that likes him, having some sort of instinct about it, not one a normal politician would have.

I do not recall any pol criticizing any supporters. It is just that if the pol is on the right they are expected to, if they are on the left they are never asked to.
The President is a fink.
September 10th, 2023 at 6:27:32 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: odiousgambit
Qualifying word 'certain' inserted here I see

Well I think it is true for 'certain' people that anyone who was in favor of leaving the statues in place was a White Supremacist. This is one reason the media ran with it ... ran with this claim you are repeating. I would guess that of the media in that press conference, literally 100% of them would say they believed that all wanting the statues to stay were exactly that. So to them, and I guess you, it made no sense to try to find any 'fine people' anywhere amongst the keep-statue crowd once that man killed the woman.

As for his relationship with radical right wingers, I agree he had a strange thing going there, one that finally bit him in the butt. He seems unable to criticize any group that likes him, having some sort of instinct about it, not one a normal politician would have.

Celebration of insurrectionist has reached its pinnacle lately with Trump. I would still defend a Confererate grave marking though. It's a personal preference. And if not having a statue in a public square is erasing history, then every cause that doesn't have a statue is potentially suffering from erasure.

What if Americans were taking foreign aid to overthrow the Constitutional formed government? Traitors or not? They were doing it then. The North didn't rewrite the Constitution. The South did.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
September 10th, 2023 at 6:44:25 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
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Quote: rxwine
Celebration of insurrectionist has reached its pinnacle lately with Trump. I would still defend a Confererate grave marking though. It's a personal preference. And if not having a statue in a public square is erasing history, then every cause that doesn't have a statue is potentially suffering from erasure.
You're changing the debate we're having here to whether the statues should have stayed or not. I think that's the way your mind works: "Sure Trump got a raw deal. But since I don't like him or Confederates either, I don't mind that his words got twisted around"

What if Americans were taking foreign aid to overthrow the Constitutional formed government? Traitors or not? They were doing it then. The North didn't rewrite the Constitution. The South did.
Like George Washington himself, a case for folks being a traitor/being traitors can be made. Let's say so for the whole bunch, 1776 rebels and 1861 rebels both, for argument's sake. So how do we get form there to saying it's OK to twist someone's words around?
I'm Still Standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah [it's an old guy chant for me]
September 10th, 2023 at 6:52:32 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: odiousgambit
You're changing the debate we're having here to whether the statues should have stayed or not. I think that's the way your mind works: "Sure Trump got a raw deal. But since I don't like him or Confederates either, I don't mind that his words got twisted around"

Like George Washington himself, a case for folks being a traitor/being traitors can be made. Let's say so for the whole bunch, for argument's sake. So how do we get form there to saying it's OK to twist someone's words around?

Let good people fighting for a bad cause fend for themselves. I don't say, look, there were perfectly good Germans supporting Hitler even if there were.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
September 10th, 2023 at 7:07:21 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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As to anyone including George Washington. What was he fighting for, and what was he fighting against? That's how I measure it. Was he fighting against a king?
Was he fighting for representational government? Was he fighting to be the new King? That I can measure him by.

If I measure more than that, like all of time, it's hard to not come up short. Of course, it all begs the question. If someone believes in dictatorship, then Washington is bad.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
September 10th, 2023 at 7:20:47 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 24, 2023
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Quote: odiousgambit
Qualifying word 'certain' inserted here I see

Well I think it is true for 'certain' people that anyone who was in favor of leaving the statues in place was a White Supremacist. This is one reason the media ran with it ... ran with this claim you are repeating. I would guess that of the media in that press conference, literally 100% of them would say they believed that all wanting the statues to stay were exactly that. So to them, and I guess you, it made no sense to try to find any 'fine people' anywhere amongst the keep-statue crowd once that man killed the woman.

As for his relationship with radical right wingers, I agree he had a strange thing going there, one that finally bit him in the butt. He seems unable to criticize any group that likes him, having some sort of instinct about it, not one a normal politician would have.

There are no fine people in the keep the statues crowd. The statues are of traitors to the nation.
September 10th, 2023 at 8:39:19 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: rxwine
Reminds of a more recent pet peeve. That is complaining the voters should decide. What the hell did they allow impeachment if we're suppose to only allow the voters to decide?

Impeachment should exist that way we don't have a rotating monarchy. For example, if the President (year one) doesn't like something one of his cabinet members says, so pulls out a gun and shoots him, I don't want to wait a few years for that dude to be replaced.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
September 10th, 2023 at 8:59:43 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 190
Posts: 19228
Quote: Mission146
Impeachment should exist that way we don't have a rotating monarchy. For example, if the President (year one) doesn't like something one of his cabinet members says, so pulls out a gun and shoots him, I don't want to wait a few years for that dude to be replaced.

Speaking of "interesting" innovations, if we can't get age limits maybe we can get shorter terms for the aged. If you're over 75 as a senator, you have to run for office every 2 years. I"m not sure what to do about presidents; it's too much trouble to run presidential elections every two years.

Seems like about 98% of the seniors in congress start opposing age limits the older they get.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?