General Election 2024

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14 members have voted

February 11th, 2024 at 3:07:25 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
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Posts: 1545
Quote: rxwine
If Trump comes back to power the "Deep State" will be hard at work again to save America. (translation, not everyone follows this crook; we still have some sane people)

I'd like to think it, but the evidence points to the sane being massively outnumbered.

Putin has showed that a clever, evil corrupt leader can remain popularity once he realises that he can ignore the rules of common decency.
February 12th, 2024 at 1:31:36 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: DoubleGold
The French are the ones that saved us from the English.

The English were trying to eliminate us, just like they did to the Irish and many others.

We don't owe the English anything.


"Those English are long dead. You won your independence fair and square."


We won only because of the French, so it wasn't because of "only" us.

I disagree with the English being long dead, at least for the ones that had descendants.

Our DNA, although possibly diluted, is still alive and the English must make amends to make things right before they're forgiven.

Like giving each Irish descendant $10,000,000 for Oliver Cromwell's actions.

I'd start there, then go to the Scottish, and continue to every other country England abused.

I know it's no different because England still has a King.

That's a symptom of the issue, that the DNA of the English is still alive.

Here's one reason.

Because England will eventually be taken over by Sharia Law, if we don't intervene.
February 12th, 2024 at 1:58:04 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
Quote: DoubleGold
Pay for your own wars.

We'll protect France, like in D-Day.


"no. Not on trumpy's watch. Not unless there was something in it for him."


I'm not sure why the side of the elite continue to refer to Trump.

This is not about Trump.

It's about our survival as a country.

And yes, England will pay for their own wars and make reparations to all those they abused.

But first, we have to clean our own house.
February 12th, 2024 at 2:15:44 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
Quote: DoubleGold
Meanwhile, the war-mongers are still looking for weapons of mass destruction.

And if a country opposes our dollar monopoly, then they're considered an enemy, like Omar Khadaffi and Saddam Hussein.

Those folks that believe differently have a right to life and to live.

We are not a global police funding apparatus to manipulate.

Which leads me to the last point.


"It's in the US's interest in having a president who stands up to Putin and Xi and Kim and doesn't fawn over them."


The priorities of the USA are our vets and homeless first.

Because we're only as strong as our weakest link.

We are failing them.

They are us.

All other dictators, like the King of England, are way way down the list.
February 12th, 2024 at 2:30:21 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
Threads: 12
Posts: 1545
Quote: DoubleGold

"Those English are long dead. You won your independence fair and square."


We won only because of the French, so it wasn't because of "only" us.

I disagree with the English being long dead, at least for the ones that had descendants.

Our DNA, although possibly diluted, is still alive and the English must make amends to make things right before they're forgiven.

Like giving each Irish descendant $10,000,000 for Oliver Cromwell's actions.

I'd start there, then go to the Scottish, and continue to every other country England abused.

I know it's no different because England still has a King.

That's a symptom of the issue, that the DNA of the English is still alive.

Here's one reason.

Because England will eventually be taken over by Sharia Law, if we don't intervene.

You are so funny. Charlie is just a tourist attraction. Overpaid, I grant you, like the rest of his circus family.
So. You propose we get judged and penalised based on our DNA?

Don't intervene matey? We'd rather have sharia law than anything you can come up with.
February 12th, 2024 at 2:48:24 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
Quote: DoubleGold
A country like the USA can't be sustained if we're spending more than we make.

That's a basic law of economics.

Eventually, the annual interest alone will be larger than the GDP.

Taxpayers need to pay down our $34 trillion in debt, not increase it.

We need to protect our own first and we are not doing that.


"I can see a point to 'protect our own first'. But this is a global economy, a shared globe. trump could pull up the drawbridge and put on his blinkers, but handing influence to putin, Xi and any tin pot little dictator is just stupid."

"None of our Western economies are sustainable. trump, especially doesn't give a damn about your national debt. Paying it off: Pah! He'd happily default or let inflation erode it.."


It doesn't matter if we're in a global economy, if we can't manage our own budget by spending outside our means.

The result will be the same, failure of the USA, so England can grab our resources.

We won't allow England to conquer us by making us weak.

Again, this is not about Trump.

It's about our survival as a country.

Trump is just getting in the way of the elite, like Kennedy and Lincoln.

Dictators like the King of England, must be addressed before the other dictators.
February 12th, 2024 at 4:07:39 AM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
Threads: 31
Posts: 2710
Quote: OnceDear
You are so funny. Charlie is just a tourist attraction. Overpaid, I grant you, like the rest of his circus family.
So. You propose we get judged and penalised based on our DNA?

Don't intervene matey? We'd rather have sharia law than anything you can come up with.

England has already been judged.

I'm only interpreting the judgement.

The way England manages their judgement, is none of my business.

An Englishman can eat at my table because we all have garbage we need to resolve.

But I won't trust one until they make amends to all those they've abused.
February 12th, 2024 at 8:47:37 AM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Posts: 12840
In an absolutely SHOCKING turn of events, the House GOP has rescinded their support of Donny.

“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
February 12th, 2024 at 9:02:08 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 7, 2012
Threads: 8
Posts: 2513
Quote: ams288
In an absolutely SHOCKING turn of events, the House GOP has rescinded their support of Donny.

Yet DJT is under indictment and will be tried for mishandling and obstruction.

The other old dude is described as incompetent...but says he isn't...remove that part of the report and start the prosecution!
February 12th, 2024 at 10:08:24 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 21, 2017
Threads: 12
Posts: 1545
Quote: ams288
In an absolutely SHOCKING turn of events, the House GOP has rescinded their support of Donny.

They were trying to be cute and completely got the grammar wrong.
Clue - cute: trumpy is being held responsible in the courts, so he's eligible, Biden has been deemed too senile to be held responsible.

Clue - bad grammar: How does one mishandle classified information properly.

Neither candidate should be in the running.