Where does the soul reside?
January 29th, 2024 at 1:48:57 PM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 | Kenarman, I'll reply to your post directly soon. These are the basics. All in my opinion. I can go as deep as you desire, if at all. A new soul is created at fertilization (conception). A human becomes a human at the zygote stage (couple weeks after fertilization). But before a soul is created, it's known beforehand, if a fertilization is a human one. Because a non-human (other animals) don't default to having a conscience (but they have a soul). The default mechanism has to occur at conception, for a human, before a person officially becomes a human. If a human fertilization occurs, a new soul is created and simultaneously a human spirit (not an animal spirit). A spirit (lowercase s) represents life in a physical body (life force). Once the assigned (and temporary) spirit leaves, there is no life in the physical body and the body decays. Both the soul and spirit are bound together at the heart. Not a physical heart, because a physical heart, nor any other physical bodily device, doesn't (don't) exist yet at conception. A spiritual heart. The soul is not in our four dimensions (x,y,z,t), where it can be proven by science. If a person was in a lower dimension (x,y,t) and another person in a higher dimension stuck a finger in the lower dimension, it might look like an ellipse, where the dimensions intersect. Because there would be no depth measurement nor perception of the person in the lower dimension. The intersection of dimensions, will not look like a finger, as to what the finger would look like for a person in the upper dimension. The soul is unique and distinct, even for identical twins and all other previous human lives. It's similar to a conscience, in that most of us know a conscience exists (not scientifically), but we can't locate it in our four dimensions. Inside the soul: (1) Mind (2) Emotion (3) Will By far, the will is the most important component in the soul. Inside the spirit: (1) Conscience (2) Communion (a figurative pipe) (3) Wisdom (a figurative pipe) By far, the conscience is the most important component in the spirit. So figuratively, the binding at conception looks like this: Soul | Heart | spirit These are devices in another dimension. But the Spirit (not to be confused with spirit) can be attached to the spirit while in our physical body. By default, a spirit doesn't have access to the Spirit. The Spirit (upper case S) is not attached to the spirit (lower case s) by default when a human is conceived. Here's what a human "could be" (potential) figuratively: Soul | Heart | spirit | Spirit When a person becomes awakened, it's not the Spirit (uppercase S). It's the relationship of the soul relative to the spirit (lowercase s). The relationship between the two can be humility (spirit dominated) or pride (soul dominated). It's a relationship and we can swap modes at will (using our will). But when we become awakened (usually at an adult age), the awakened try to mostly stay in the humility mode, unless we're eating, surviving, etc. In that case, we are forced into pride mode (self is the boss). Some folks call the spirit the "higher self" and the soul the "lower self". But the higher self is not part of the soul (self). Because later on, they're detached from the binding device, the heart. Alternatively, the two modes (relationship of the soul and spirit) can be described as "self" and "not-self". With self being the soul and not-self being the spirit. Not self implies outside of the self and everyone else and in all other dimensions. It also implies our soul and spirit are separated by a device. The separating device is the heart. When a person becomes deceased in our four dimensions, the body decays and the spirit detaches from the heart and returns to the Source. Because there is no need for us having a conscience, communion, and wisdom anymore. Plus, the conscience stores all of our "outstanding" bad deeds (lack of light), so it gets sent back to the Source as proof of record. All outstanding past negative deeds are guaranteed to be shown with light. In other words, we're guaranteed to be humiliated. The Spirit represents everlasting life of the soul outside of the body. The spirit represents the temporal life of the soul inside the body. The transition of the soul upon physical death of the body is controlled differently, while the soul persists indefinitely. The soul cannot be terminated, if the Spirit was attached to the spirit before physical death. The Spirit, if attached to the spirit before death, takes control of the soul. |
January 29th, 2024 at 3:19:35 PM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 | ------------- 'With the many discussions on going in our religious threads I started thinking about a soul if it exists. We also have EB’s “life source” which he has poorly defined but insists it is not the soul." -------------- That's the human spirit. The soul and spirit are bound with the heart. In other words, a thought has to go through the heart. ----------------- "If the Padre is right and a soul exists where in our body does it reside? It can’t be in your limbs because we all know people missing a limb. They are still the same person that existed before the limb loss so if they had a soul before that they must still have it. The same can be said about most of our organs since we can live without many of our organs." ----------------- The 5th dimension. ---------------- "This leaves us with our most complex organ the brain. If this were the location it also creates many hard to answer questions. What happens if we are “brain dead”? The body is still alive but is it soulless? I expect that the Padre will tell us that your soul is still with you until you complete body is dead." ---------------- A brain is not formed yet at conception, so a brain can't be earlier than the zygote stage. However, a soul must be created new at conception in order to become a human having a conscience because animals don't have a conscience. Yes, the soul persists indefinitely upon physical death but the spirit returns to the Source. ---------------- "A problem that the Padre’s position doesn’t address is the ‘out of body near death experience’. This is a widely documented but not conclusively proven experience. Many people who believe it can happen probably view it as the soul temporarily leaving the body." ---------------- The spirit (not soul) is bound to the physical body by a silver chord. If it's broken, then a person becomes deceased. An out of body experience, is a function of the spirit not soul. --------------- "Other question that arise are, when is the soul created? Does an embryo have a soul? How does it get there if it exists? Where did it exist before it took up residence in the embryo, or later in development if you prefer." --------------- A soul is created at conception before a human becomes a human at the zygote stage. Before a human becomes a human, a new soul is created along with a spirit. So yes, an embryo has a soul and spirit. It gets there because of our instructional code of our species (DNA). Consider junk DNA. |
January 29th, 2024 at 5:47:43 PM permalink | |
missedhervee Member since: Apr 23, 2021 Threads: 128 Posts: 3689 | My sole is on the bottom of my foot. |
January 30th, 2024 at 1:45:25 AM permalink | |
OnceDear Member since: Nov 21, 2017 Threads: 13 Posts: 1606 | Thanks DoubleGold for the word soup. I don't know where you got it, but it's a couple of minutes of my life I won't get back. This whole thread can be answered by the much easier "There is no such thing as a soul" Job done. Next question? Then we don't need an organ or any 5th dimension to put it in. No need to explain its creation or its existence outside of a body. No purpose to explain. We are simply a bundle of molecules bound together in a fascinating process. We have developed curiosity to try to understand the mechanism of our development. Religion and the concepts of the soul or the spirit are just thought experiments that developed and hit a dead end. Organised religion is just men trying to control each-other by sophistry.... and word soup. |
January 30th, 2024 at 2:03:02 AM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 |
And the word console, or con_sole is "alleviate the grief or mental distress of". Like conscience or con_science is a "faculty of knowing what is right". Meaning, a conscience can't be scientifically proven but most know it's there. |
January 30th, 2024 at 2:07:48 AM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 |
I like the phrase "word salad" better. |
January 30th, 2024 at 4:03:55 AM permalink | |
OnceDear Member since: Nov 21, 2017 Threads: 13 Posts: 1606 | "The spirit (not soul) is bound to the physical body by a silver chord." Silver? Not polyester or gold? Chord? Not chain or elastic? How long is this chord? How is attached? By carabinas? Does the spirit get dragged along or does it float like a helium balloon? Is it curley like an umbilical? But definitely 'chord'? Does it get tangled? So many questions come out of such a simple assertion..... Who's the expert witness? Did he see this silver chord in real life or on youtube? Ah! Wikipedia confirms it all, so it must be true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_cord Life's so much simpler once these questions get struck out at the 'is there such a thing as a soul' > 'No' part of the decision tree. |
January 30th, 2024 at 5:01:19 AM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 | OnceDear, I'll directly reply to your post later but piece together a few ideas in the meantime. Those are excellent questions. Silver can "reflect" light. Like in a reefer grow room to maximize light energy (Mylar). https://www.walmart.com/ip/Apollo-Horticulture-2-Mil-Reflective-Mylar-Sheet-Roll-4-x-100/197574215 Or like a mirror (silver?), to see self in. I'd guess silver is the neutral color (like black and white) of the reflection of self (soul). ----------- Everything About Silver, the Color of Technology May 18, 2021 . . . 1. Silver color structure Silver is actually one of the colors, which is of two types: metallic and non-metallic. and is one of the neutral colors like gray, black and white. For this reason, this color is not in the color wheel. Non-metallic silver is spectra of pale gray. And because, unlike metallic silver, it cannot reflect light, it replaces other neutral shades such as dark gray, black, or white. . . . 3. Silver color in Psychology The different colors of silver include dark silver and light silver. Light silver is a symbol of new ideas. Dark silver is a symbol of fear. Silver symbolizes wealth, intelligence, knowledge, maturity, technology and feminine power. Psychologically, silver is the color of reflection. This color helps to solve mental, intellectual and emotional problems. It also balances the body’s hormones. Silver represents insight, clairvoyance, foresight and telepathy. Give the silver of any energy, whether positive or negative, it will return it to you. Silver is a color that is respectable and polite. In fact, silver is suitable for those who work in large companies and organizations, whether men or women. On the negative side, silver can be hesitant, dull, neutral, cold, deceptive and hypocritical. But because silver is the equilibrium point between black and white in psychology, it is neither very positive nor very negative. . . . https://colors.dopely.top/inside-colors/everything-about-silver-color/ ----------------- |
January 30th, 2024 at 5:07:14 AM permalink | |
OnceDear Member since: Nov 21, 2017 Threads: 13 Posts: 1606 |
Don't bother on my account. |
January 30th, 2024 at 5:09:31 AM permalink | |
DoubleGold Member since: Jan 26, 2023 Threads: 34 Posts: 3404 |
OK. If you change your mind, let me know. |